Smoking/Vaping/& Etc Lounge

I mean that’s great if you wanna get high fast but pace yourself.

No kidding, Even i have a limit and ive pushed it way too many times

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I don’t even know what my limit would be but for sure one of those would probably fuck me right up.

Had the Inferno by Oliva and damn it’s an ass kicker. Great full flavor and very very strong body. I thought I just happened to chief the hell out of the other one, but I spent about 1:30 to 1:45 on this one and it still hits like a truck. For a stick that retails at $100-$110 a box of 20 it’s a fantastic stick if you don’t mind getting punched in the face. Definitely the strongest cigar I’ve ever smoked and I love strong cigars.

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My smoke for tonight. Still have them from the earlier mentioned post about the box split and they are still great


Stronkass cigar lol. To the point that people not used to cigar smells got lightheaded from just the leftover smell on me lmao. Good stick though.

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So apparently nats are a thing again/still in the south

The Lights (yellow) are really good actually. Basically pipe tobacco, but in cigarette form. Menthol is… Kindof like menthol pipe tobacco which… Well, your mileage may vary. If you like it I guess it’s pretty good. I dont particularly like or dislike them.

So pretty interesting actually. And … Expensive but no more so than natural American spirits are which is it’s main competition. And these are wayyy better than the Natural American spirits are.


And cubans too… The bottom left. Only ones not in plastic.


Woot. Used the paycheck to buy a mini bong :smiley:


Nice glass work looks fancy too :smiley:

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Not the exact one in the picture but pretty close

Works pretty well. Only problem is not a large amount of water mass though :frowning:

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ye :frowning: trade off of it being small and portable can’t get as big of a hit with it?

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trade off is that it has no thermal mass compared to my regular bong. Only a few hits before the water starts to warm up

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whats the downside of the water heating up too much? like it can’t produce as much much smoke?

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A bong lets you take very large and deep hits because the water cools the smoke. Once it gets warm you limited once the hits you can take because the smoke is not as cool. Best analogy i have is a bong is like taking a cigarette and smoking it all at once. Just with much less organic material lol. I cigarette filled with weed would probably run you $30-$40 XD

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so its more otherwise the smoke would be too hot to inhale and could burn your throat? with the the cool water countering that and allowing you to take more hits? much like inhaling a cigarette would be hot as fuck and you’d probably end up coughing it up?

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pretty much. More lungs on fire than throat though

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good to know. for future reference ice cold bong water for me. with my asthma that would probably cause havoc on my lungs lol

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It does have a certain crisp to it

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