Smoking/Vaping/& Etc Lounge

Been fairly frustrated with a number of the cigars I’ve been pulling from my humidor because of a weird issue. It’s not limited to any single cigar type either since it’s occurred on my Punch elites, box pressed rebellions, and olor fuertes. It canoes right down the center. So the whole outside isn’t burning while the center is down a half inch or more from where the cherry is supposed to be. Not sure what’s causing it, but it just destroys the flavor. Only remedy I know of is to chop it off and relight and usually that fixes the problem. Very strange behavior that I’ve yet to see in any video (and I watch a lot of cigar videos lol). Doesn’t happen to my top shelf or Oliva serie Gs or even the crappy Royal Dominicanas which are in my humidor from top shelf to the bottom shelf so it can’t be the positioning of them and it’s not because they’re in boxes otherwise the Gs would have the same issue. And my boveda packs are on the top middle and bottom so humidity is consistent throughout the humidor. If you have any ideas on what’s causing this and how to mitigate it I’d be very appreciative.

Smoking speed generally. Also can be caused be a drastic change in temperature. Probably not related to a change in humidity, though this can also be a thing in winter… Humidity changes are basically impossible to predict or protect from though so it is what it is… The humidity is only really an issue though if the cigars crack.
As far as speed goes, one puff every 30-45seconds is my general rule. And toast your cigars. TOAST THEM. lol. Lighting it just till it burns is never a good idea.
Temp change wise, if you are smoking in somewhere that’s more than 40 degrees colder than the temp the cigars are stored at, can throw them in the fridge (or freezer, if it’s that big a difference lol) for a while (a few hours probably) before smoking to get the temperature difference minimal when you actually go to have the thing.

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I imagine it’d be my lighting them then. I get a little too eager with the light lol. Certainly not temp since I keep them in a wineador and just smoke inside so the temp change shouldn’t be drastic. Winador again keeps humidity perfectly. I don’t smoke too fast or anything, but I may draw too hard especially if it’s a tight draw. I should probably get that perfect draw tool because I’ve ran into quite a few really tight draws and a toothpick doesn’t cut it.

I know how and do toast most of them, it’s just these ones I’ve got and had 20+ of each so I’m thinking “oh I’ve had it, I know what it’s about, I don’t need to take care lighting it” but apparently I do, or at the very least need to take more care in doing so.

what kind of cigars are you gonna leave out for santa?

always toast your cigars, doesn’t matter if it’s a $2 or $200 stick, that pretty much will begin our end how you experience a cigar before you’ve even had it lol. And in your case, take particular care to get the edges evenly done as well. Otherwise the exact issues you have had happen.

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Neat photo from Privada Cigar Club

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lmao I want one (in maduro of course):

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Camacho Criollo is actually pretty good. Some minor construction issues but taste is there, and it’s … Something around a medium strength, medium body cigar. Not bad for a somewhat budget stick.

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Guess whos new landlord is super chill? Just means ill be making some :oregano: brownies :yum:

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Mmm I could do with some brownies :yum:. Should offer them some for being so cool with it.

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Oh man… the Villiger San Doro. Delicious stick. Made in conjunction with Oliva because of course they’d be involved in a stick I love. Cocoa, earthy, hint of spice, and I got a very faint fig note hiding in the finish.
Though this is only the first third so there’s probably going to be a transition or 2 given the price of these things.

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Having a Cuban Partagas Serie E no 2. Had one on my birthday and it didn’t do so hot. Looked at the bottom of the box and it had less than a year since it was boxed so it was still in that sour period but now it has enough age on it and GOD DAMN!

Mild of course, but creamy, hay, roasted light nuts, a hint of darkness to the flavor too like a woodyness. Spectacular smoke. I suggest picking one up if you can get it for a decent price. I spent like $20/stick at the duty free on these and now I finally see why some people obsess over Cubans. I still prefer the darker more full bodied stuff but holy hell this is by far the best mild stick I’ve ever had. Even better than the Macanudo cafes but also over twice the price so that’s to be expected. Definitely a special occasion stick given the price but it suits the occasion very well. I’m blown away by how much better this thing is compared to 6 months ago now that it has over an age on it since boxing.

Got some new :oregano: and am no longer dankrupt. Some of these buds are fucking YUGE


lmao i fucking almost died, Don’t try and smoke it all at once :rofl:

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im surprised you have not heard that before

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I honestly hadn’t though the circle of people i know who smoke is a solid one person lol

you’re gonna need it this time of year


I wouldnt if they would fucking understand that just because the IRS is accepting efiled returns does not mean they are going to take your 10 minutes after you submit. They might not take it 2 weeks after you send it. They take them whenever they hell they feel like it

Also the because the IRS accepted your federal return does not mean that states DOR will take yours