The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Ooh. Cool.

Too bad this isn’t a retail thing as well beyond these consoles lol. Because depending on the price I would be interested in it.

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How’s everybody doing :smiley: ?

At work again woo
Though actually its nice to be doing stuff again, lol. And money is useful.
Otherwise getting the 660 Ti when I go to the twin cities for Quakecon, for the phenom 925 build which will be nice. Will be able to actually game on that system then at 1080P
Also the Phenom II X4 925 is amusingly close to the FX 4350 when at 3.36 ghz. Might try for 3.6ghz because why not. Its too bad I can’t go for 4ghz because there’s not any high end MATX AM3+ boards lol. Oh well. Not a huge deal.

My mod rig is coming along though, will likely just use the 2400G system because its simple and can do 1080P well enough. Unless I happen to find another cheap decent GPU but meh?
I could use my RX 570 from my one rig but that is a lot of work; lol. Because would then also need a PCIe riser cable so.

But basically ready for QC otherwise which is nice as I leave for that on Wednesday.
Might throw some of my other kit and the one laptop on Hardwareswap but I already have my 390X almost sold so I’m fairly well set to go for it so yeah.

just rambling as I’m bored in between doing stuff at work lol

Have mostly been running errands all day which wouldn’t be bad except it involved a lot of walking and its 90F which is the hottest its been in ages. which is still probably mild for your standards.


90 and humid is annoying as hell lol, but ye fairly mild
But here for about a month it sits in the 90-100 range with humidity and the rest of summer its 60-80 (and humid) which is nice. Though. I do live next to a giant fridge (lake) so theres that.
In the twin cities which is 2.5 hours south of me, summer is normally 80-100 and humid for 2-3 months.

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nah that’s on the high end of what we get where I’m at on the tail-end of the lakes. Keeps summers pretty mild in the 70-85 range typically.

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Anybody stumbled upon weird fetishes?

Y tho

Well that was short livied, it’s now raining quiet heavily which should help it cool down a fair bit.


I stumbled upon something called vore which is basically a fetish about someone/something being eaten alive.
As humans basically have no natural enemies and becoming the prey of an animal is a thing of the past (although it still happens occasionally; tigers, sharks, snakes, etc), the idea of being eaten is pretty unnerving to me. And yet, some people seem to get off to that idea.

It’s just such a surreal thing to me that it caught me off guard.
But at the same time it got me curious (as morbidly as it seems) if there are other things like that which I don’t know about.

So it’s a psychological thing for me, nothing sexual.




Took me ages to find this again but this should get you started XD

possibly slightly NSFW


Apparently its beer day lol

Because I guess there’s a “holiday” for everything now?




April 20th ftw


I’m right there with you :oregano: XD


Why the fuck are uniforms above female use of sextoys in terms of tabooness? That’s kinda weird.
And see? Spanking is even before anal and yet a no-no in the You-Kay. You guys are weird :stuck_out_tongue:


Woot. Getting an extra 5 hours in this week :smiley:


For your work? the extra :dollar: :dollar: will be nice :smiley: