The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

actually you cant. Fedora 28 has not branched from rawhide yet and they are fairly behind schedule according to the proposed schedule

ah dammit Fedora, why’d you ruin it :frowning:

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ah so is it still scheduled to branch on the 20th? not too bad is only about two weeks away.

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no idea. fedora does not keep the wikis the most upto date XD

figures, I’ll have to keep an eye on it then.

im guessing they will have it branch around that time period anyway because a branch does not do much besides just cloning the rawhide repo

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yep possibly, slightly concerned about running it if its behind but fuck it, i’m gonna do it anyway :smiley:

they always run a little behind because they try and crunch the schedule together

Isn’t that always the case, only had a couple of issues with it the last time and hoping for the same.

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Bob: “How can you be unfulfilled? I put roof over your head, I pay the bills, I take care of you.”
Midge: “Yeah, but what do I do?”
Bob: “You fill out that sweater real nice.”

I miss those times.


Your really making me want to watch That 70s show again.

@Michael know of a way to slow down a whlie loop? this is running way to fast to give a nice effect :frowning:


while true
        while [ $counter -le 254 ]
                echo $counter > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness
                (( counter++ ))

        while [ $counter -ge 1 ]
                echo $counter > /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness
                (( counter-- ))


not sure other than maybe sleep but don’t know how well that’d work.

It’s funnier than I remember. Seems like I forgot a huge part of the whole show.
And I find myself agreeing with Red most of the time (grumpy, conservative old man).

yep. problem with sleep is that it only goes down to 1 second increments and sleep does not do much :slight_smile:

hmm yeah, so you only want to slow it down a very small amount or get it to a very specific speed? I’ll have a think about it and see if I can come up with something.

ideally i would want some kind of adjustable speed but i would rather it work than not.

This script when it works will add a breathing effect to the keyboard backlight

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Programming stuffs?

slowly backs out of room


ah right. I’ll let you know if I think of something.

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