what level of savagery have you unleashed onto the world.
You must have a lot of time on you hands
There is stuff in there that I do not dare release…on the forum
I wear watch I always have time on my hands
do… dare I even open it?
up to you, sweetie
So actually trying to open it crashed Nautilus, maybe this is a sign
Use file-roller instead
atleast its organized unlike the last one XD
I obsess over that shit
Is it the only thing that gives you self worth, that shining beacon that makes you get up in the morning?
I like my job, no
job first and memes second, you disappoint me.
So i got my keyboard backlight set to a breathing animation via software
SLEEP=0.005 #Delay for sleep. Controls how fast the breathing is
LED=/sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness #Points to where brightness is controlled
counter=0 #sets up the counter variable so that is used for keeping track of brightness
while true
while [ $counter -ge 0 ]
echo $counter > $LED
(( counter++ ))
sleep $SLEEP
if [ $counter = 255 ]
while [ $counter -le 255 ]
echo $counter > $LED
(( counter-- ))
sleep $SLEEP
if [ $counter = 0 ]
Nice so sleep did end up working
yep. turns out you can use decimal increments in sleep which is good because i need something alot smaller than 1 XD
@Cavemanthe0ne 2 things. Still need SPF, DKIM, etc records setup so i can get email fully working again and is it possible we could have forum.cubedcorps.com redirect to forum.0cd.xyz