The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

It will be a 60% + numpad eventually but I couldn’t find any numpad PCBs thst were cheap lol. They go for the same as the 60% PCB I bought that has hot swappable things and the controller built in already… For just the numpad, with nothing presoldered and no controller.

Not even sure what that would be size wise? 70%? Lol.

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Problem is the vending machine has a credit card reader

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uh yeah, don’t want to get caught trying to break into that.

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Also after updating the bios theres so many options… You can now overclock through P-states (like setting fully customized turbo options basically).
I would delve into this but thats a deep, deep dive so not right now lol.


That would be so fun to play with

yeah my motherboard can also overclock through P-states but I haven’t looked too much into that much yet besides quickly setting it up and having my system crash, besides have trouble getting my 1700 much more 3.8GHz regardless and I really need to take the time to play with it more.

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i really need to get into overclocking. the closest ive gotten is forcing the CPU to run in turbo 24/7


From what I remember you can basically have it set up so the 1core all the way down to the all core turbos are OCd. So could do like 4.3ghz 1 core, 4.25 ghz 2core, etc on down until say 4ghz all over speeds.
I don’t really remember exactly how as its been some time since the even in December a few years back so yeah lol.


yeah overclocking can be fun. haven’t done much with it on my 1700 but had some fun playing around with it on my 4690k and seeing how far I could take it.


ye. hoping i hit the silicon lottery when i build a PC


yeah true that, I got lucky with my 4690k and its actually a really good overclocker and could push it quite far. my brothers 4770k on the other hand couldn’t even do a 300MHz overclock without being unstable.


i honestly might have tried to send the chip back XD

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Also what the heck gigabyte
The volts on the CPU are 1.51 right now
CPU is pegged to 100% and only at 72 C though… So there’s that… But not damn this 2400G.
This is the “normal” preset for the CPU and GPU both with no custom volts. CPU is at 3.9 ghz and GPU is at 1550mhz.
GPU under full load only makes temps go to 55C… And draws a bit less power.



lmao yea, he had the chip for over a year though before I finally nudged him into trying to overclock it. he was too scared it’d break.

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this might answer some of your questions


lmao. I would have been like. 1.5V and 6Ghz. does it boot?

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kek I totally should’ve told him to try that XD

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lel yep. I want to join the 8Ghz club at some point though. would be neat.

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yeah getting a chip to do 8GHz would be soo amazing. highest stable I’ve ever got was 4.7GHz on my 4690k with air and that was pushing it.

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