The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]



Nice work


It went better than expected, totally in my element.


Started rearranging my room, finished the most important part setting up my desktop in itā€™s new spot. Everything else can wait until later, maybe thatā€™s tomorrow but probably not.

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So Firefox doesnā€™t want to display the one of the emojis in my title on my desktop, but it will show both on my surface. Both installs are the same version and have the same extensions. I donā€™t understand this, anyone know why this is happening.



Itā€™s a windows thing Iā€™m guessing


You use that meme a lot

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I have the same issue on my linux install

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My phone on firefox displays them wrong but my desktop install of chrome is fine so ?

Its rather useful

itā€™s does in on my phone but I just thought it was mobile browser being stupid like always

I tried chrome and it didnā€™t show either emoji in the title. I want my English vomit emojis to show dam it.

Chrome on my phone is broken still because it still is dumb and tries to reroute to the now dormant magna. Site which is annoying. But its my phone not so much the chrome lol
Desktop seems fine and works though so

I tried chrome on my desktop and i use firefox on mobile

good night lounge :zzz:


night. I guess no invisigun heros

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idk if they redid the ranks again or I just suck compared to what I used to do because Iā€™m stuck in plat 2 when I should be high plat 3 low diamond 1 in carballā€¦

Now that its almost back to retail this would be tempting. Still going to wait until used cards are actually used prices though lol because yeah

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I get the same feeling every time I play WoT lol
Though its also because WoT is a free to play so things are annoying basically every other patch so thereā€™s also that

So im getting pretty good at being offensive in invisigun heros :smiley: i no longer just have to hide until there is one person left

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