Looks like pre-orders aren’t eligible for Prime shipping.
Bastards. Why am I paying for Prime then?
sadly i don’t have that luxury, need to be up nearly to go to Hospital agian and knowing me probably won’t go to sleep before then either XD
i only do that for work, and not anymore as i don’t have to do horrible close saturday open monday shifts anymore lol
that was a terrible day basically no matter what
now i get more or less normal-ish sleep
… yeah
i never understand why people fall for these scams
lol, that yacht tho
I’m more interested in that Nexus 7, can’t be any worse than mine XD
i feel like this is relevant
kek did Pepsi actually do that? dude needs his Harrier.
TL;DR It was just a prank bro
Trying to see if I can get my pre-order of Twin Peaks upgraded to Prime shipping.
A new thread exist and I’m pretty excited about it. I think it’ll be a great thread.
So was that their defense? the more I get into this video the worse it gets for Pepsi, if you had 15 points you could purchase an unlimited number of points for 10c a piece. how was that not going to go wrong XD
my floor is vibrating from the bass of the dubstep I’m listening to
the speakers are at volume 30
it goes to volume 75 at max
also it’s so loud that in OBS the mic picking up the speakers audio is louder than the desktop audio in OBS rofl
probably not a good thing to do while streaming
Note for future pre-orders: Prime shipping is only available if the release date is close.
So kind of a trade-off vs the price guarantee for pre-orders.