The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

They’re a nice group of mod makers. Them and the people who made Enderal.


im waiting on skywind still. Im gonna be gone for a few weeks when and if it does ever realease


So a question about fallout 76 came into mind. How are they going to handle stuff like lockpicking where the world freezes while you try and break your way into something. Are they gonna stray from the defacto standard way of just moving a object left/right until you get close enough? (No ive not played ESO nor do i care too)

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interesting question, my take on it is that they’d probably keep it the same but make it so the game doesn’t freeze. It would be possibly todo it like that and could even add an extra element such as getting the other players to watch your back for anyone about to find out.

So I am having stuttering in all my games. Pretty sure driver issue. Going to roll back to the driver from December.

If its an AMD gpu and 18.5.2 … Well, there’s your problem lol.
When I tried 18.5.2 on my RX 570 rig it somehow… Broke steam? Which was annoying. But 18.5.1 works great so.
18.5.2 has also had myriad problems for other people I know as well.

If its nvidia no idea lol.


18.5.1 also still had the stuttering.
I’ll let you guys know if if I fix the stuttering with the driver.

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Preparing for Waluigi in SMASH

Woot, pricing going down even more on GPUs 1070s hitting sub $400 now :smiley: . Perhaps used pricing will be back to normal now lol… Considering most new cards are back at MSRPish on the nvidia side shouldn’t be too much longer.

semi related
I kindof want a Red Devil Vega 64 but for $600 its not really worth. Considering 1070Tis are like $450 again and 1080s are back to the MSRP or so at around $500… And both of those perform as well/better and don’t eat 300 watts+ lol.
Will continue to wait though for more price drops. For reasons. If I can get a 1070 TI for sub $400 ill go for that, may be a 1080 if I can get a good deal on it… Will see. Probably not for a month or two though at least, based on how pricing has been dropping the past few months.

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It doesn’t seem like we’re getting any new graphic cards at the consumer level this year.
Though the year is not over yet. Wait and see.


Would say… Mayyybe an nvidia release this year, perhaps in August. Definite no from AMD unless its an APU refresh or something. Because 12nm. And how stellar vega has been lol.


Plans for after work :
Try Driver Fix.
Film the state of storytelling in video games.
Writing new draft for epic.
Watch Elementary. Yes it airs Monday but I watch it on Tuesday online.


Old driver has been installed. Will test later.

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No Waluigi in SMASH


I detect heresy levels beyond the acceptable


Testing in Warframe:
Not sure if stuttering or game lag cause Warframe update?

Testing Prey:
Stuttering. Not sure if that is Cryengine problem.

… I need to test a full proof game…

Dark Souls 3… stuttering…


I might need to do a full fresh re install of windows.

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what kind of stuttering is it? micro stutter where its at your target framerate but still feels laggy or the kind of stuttering where there are long pauses?

Long pauses

Is probably gonna be either high vram usage or high cpu usage. try setting the game to high priority in task manager

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I tested that as well. No luck.

I’m doing the important back up stuff right now. Then check to see if the card got loose somehow. I have been using it for two years almost so it’s possible.

I even tried turning the computer off and on again.

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