The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

ye :that time when of a shower outside stopping the one inside :frowning:

lol must be pretty bad, we havenā€™t had hard rain in ages

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we have such hard temperature fluctuations during spring/early summer than it can get insane XD. itll be 90+ outside and cool down to the mid 40s

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damn yeah that would do it, our temperatures are mostly stable and donā€™t fluctuate too much. must be insane having to deal with a massive drop like that.

@ThatBootsGuy tech jesus as come to the rescue

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Deepcool usually has pretty nice, reasonably priced cases. For example this with the built in AIO.

There is also the Genome from Deepcool which is a bit pricier but comes with a 360mm AIO and reservoir in the front, usually is like $150-180. Quite good airflow and decent to good build quality. (Ive had one for a couple years now)

Meanwhile here the one day it was 90 with humidity to like 105-110 and then it stormed and temps crashed to 35-40 (with no humidity) and windy AF lol
Thereā€™s also the lake area weather here though which is all kinds of strange sometimes. Like where I am its 50-60 and has been for the past few days- but not 30 miles away it has been 70-90 degrees over the same time. Its nice but also not :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here recently it has mostly stay around 60-70F and has been calm other than some really strong winds a couple of days ago but they leveled off now.

Generally speaking you have to pay money to get anything remotely good, so theres that. Even if its $5 or $10.
Because most of the ā€œfreeā€ android games are either pay to win or pay to get anything done remotely fast.

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I know. Is a few gems though

Well, I missed 4 of 5 days of Word and got 28/32 points on the mock-up test (3 points were just brain-afk things). And the really interesting stuff (like how to make a booklet look professional; should also be useful for college people) only happened at the end and now weā€™re done with it.


So Iā€™m enjoying having my phone at a insane DPI of 514 (over the default of 320)

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No idea. Probably

144Hz or bust.

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90Hz adaptive refresh ftw

tHe HuMaN eYe CaNā€™t SeE mOrE tHaN 24fPs
mUh ShInEmEtIc

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I canā€™t see but but man do you feel the difference

Thatā€™s just your vibrator app -_-

No. That runs at 69Hz

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And 420Hz when youā€™re high at the same time.

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