Well yes but no date or specs.
If the GPU on it is decent this could push HTPCs and Steam boxes. Like those console-sized living room PCs? Yeah, fuck those, this would be even smaller.
Not that I care. Anything smaller than ATX is poop
i expect this to be used pretty much only in the new mac pros that are coming out.
iirc this chip is meant speciifically for thin and light notebook? at least I think thats what was said in the inital press release.
I doubt that. They are using full fat Vega already in the Imac Pro sooo
soldered onto the mobo?
Have no idea but iirc its a full Vega 56 or 64 depending on the price so
I think the idea is to use them in the macbook pros. speculation is that apple had something to do with this chip because they wanted better graphics perforamnce and intel couldnât do it themselves
Then Apple will want to add that to the motherboard, in a not-user-replaceable way.
@Michael sorry to bug ye again but one last thing that google cant find
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
echo "#############################"
echo "Installing cataclysm DDA"
echo "############################"
if [ -d $DIR/install ]
rm -rf $DIR/install/!(save|config|templates)
im getting this error with the above script
Installing cataclysm DDA
./build-dev.sh: line 14: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./build-dev.sh: line 14: ` rm -rf $DIR/install/!(save|config|templates)'
hmm not sure. it looks fine to me
ah found out why it wasnât working. extglob has to enabled first and it isnât loaded in the script.
This should work:
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
echo "#############################"
echo "Installing cataclysm DDA"
echo "############################"
if [ -d $DIR/install ]
shopt -s extglob
rm -rf $DIR/install/!(save|config|templates)
same error
Hmm maybe try and load extglob outside of the if statement?
that worked thanks
should be able to finish it
Nice happy to help
@Michael here is the final script
UPDATES=$(git pull) #check for updates and download them. Store the results to check for
DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd ) #gets the current directory and saves the output
RESPONSE="N" #default response used when already upto date
shopt -s extglob
if [[ $UPDATES = "Already up to date." ]] #Checks to see if the latest version is running and if true asks if you want to go ahead and compile
echo "Already upto date."
echo "Continue Building (y/N)?"
if [[ ${RESPONSE,,} != "y" ]]
if [ -e output.log ] #checks if the log already exsists and if true it removes it
rm output.log
make clean |& tee -a output.log #prepare the source folder for compilation
echo "#############################" |& tee -a output.log
echo "Compiling with tiles build" |& tee -a output.log
echo "#############################" |& tee -a output.log
make RELEASE=1 LTO=1 TILES=1 SOUND=1 LUA=1 CLANG=1 CCACHE=1 |& tee -a output.log #compiles a version of cataclysm with tiles
echo "#############################" |& tee -a output.log
echo "Compiling default build" |& tee -a output.log
echo "#############################" |& tee -a output.log
make RELEASE=1 LTO=1 LUA=1 CLANG=1 CCACHE=1 |& tee -a output.log #compiles a non tiles build of cataclysm
echo "#############################" |& tee -a output.log
echo "Installing cataclysm DDA" |& tee -a output.log
echo "############################" |& tee -a output.log
if [ ! -d $DIR/$INSTALL_DIR ] #check to see if the install folder exsists and if it does not it creates it
rm -rf $DIR/$INSTALL_DIR/!(save|config|templates) #remove the old version of the game
cp -r $DIR/data/ $DIR/lua/ $DIR/gfx/ $DIR/cataclysm $DIR/cataclysm-dda $INSTALL_DIR #copys over the latest bulid to $INSTALL_DIR
Nice looks good. gonna give it a try now
you should hopefully
be able to just drop it into the a fresh cataclysm-dda repo and be good