What are you currently playing?

I know they put some NES games on there but according to Jim Sterling they’re just the crap ones.
They’d make even more money if they put the popular titles of GB/GBC/GBA and NES/SNES/VirtualBoy etc in the eShop.
Would even be an argument against Homebrew and getting the ROMs elsewhere.

have to acquire licensing to republish the games, so unless they think gonna make money probably only do games they own

For the games they developed and published themselves?
I mean, they put games on there that probably nobody asked for but games that are still being played today on the old consoles and handhelds are being ignored. So why acquire licensing to publish games that nobody wants?

they didnt make very many good games lel

They could just put all the games that are included with the SNES Classic on the eShop. Instead of crap.



you probably hate ekans

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Why don’t you want to break these chains of love?

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Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition
I think I tried to finish it a while ago already but lost interest somewhere down the way.
Trying it again now.

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Planet Coaster since I don’t have Planet Zoo yet. I’m absolutely loving it. Currently have almost 20 hours on my park and it’s looking absolutely fantastic atm.


two worlds 2 lel


BOTW. Got master mode a while ago and been putting alot of time back into it.


Hollow Knight but tbh I’m not sure how long I’ll stick with it. It’s not really the kind of game I usually play in terms of difficulty (the Dark Souls-ey kind). I don’t find hard difficulties rewarding, just frustrating. So, yeah, I suck at playing them.
But the art style and world is amazing. Could use a bit more focus on the story instead of looking for the crumbs of lore.

btw, GoG has it on sale right now for ~6,80€. Pretty good deal, usually up for ~15€ on PC (Steam/GoG) and Switch.


Still WoW but less enthusiastic. It’s turning into chores again once I reach a certain point with a character.
I’m not into raids or running mythic+ dungeons for better gear so once a character has ~ilvl 445 it’s basically over.
Professions are no fun either. Other than inscription, enchanting, alchemy and jewelcrafting there aren’t any professions that will earn you a lot of gold. And you have to farm materials. The end-game recipes/plans are also a grind in themselves as you need to do high-level content (raids and stuff) to get a certain amount of something that will allow you to learn the new recipes/plans and by the time you have reached that amount you’re probably already equipped with better gear.

So today I continued playing The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 1 (I say continued but I was only like an hour into the game which was for the most part the tutorial).
I like it so far. It’s an oldschool JRPG. The age shows in the graphics (it was originally released for the PC in Japan in 2004, then for PSP, PS3, Vita) but it seems to have been graphically improved.
Classic turn-based JRPG where you control a group. The magic in this game is obtained via orbments (gadgets that can manipulate a certain kind of magic stone). You can also move in the battle areas but it’s not as focused as in other games (like Disgaea, Phantom Brave, FFTA, etc).


Really good puzzle game gorogoa

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Diablo 3 Season 21 for all the season journey rewards.
Only need 4 things but those are gonna take a while.

  • Get 3 legendary gems to lvl 75
  • 2 more accomplishments (kill 350 monsters during a cursed chest event / clear a lvl 45 greater rift without the effects of a set bonus)
  • augment a legendary item with a legendary gem (gem needs min. lvl 50)

Spyro trilogy since my buddy got it for me

To be followed by the Crash one once I finish


Played some Torchlight 2 today but couldn’t decide whether to play with or without mods.
Without mods it felt “as it’s meant to be” but also kinda empty/simplistic.
With mods it felt somewhat more refined but also too much stuff added to it and not well balanced.
So after about an hour of switching back and forth and not getting anything done I quit.


been playin ravens cry(not that good lel, but have the whatever rerelease one not much for game breaking bugs for me atleast, just some weird stuff like… you can use a move to send your raven to pick pocket, but sometimes the pathing gets weird or something and it stops working til you go reload the map(like go in a building and then go back outside but not very often)

get to kill savages and have a ship that is actually propelled by wind(gets real annoying sometimes in fights though if wind against you cant retreat very fast)

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Thats me whenever i want to faf about in skyrim for a few hours. Most of the time its just me installing mods than actually playing the game