[Offical] The Aging Minecraft server

What is this?
This is a server that lets you experience how minecraft has aged over the past 10+ years in near real time. We start as far back as we possibly can where multiplayer is decently stable and we slowly update the game as if it was getting major releases every couple of weeks instead of every couple of months.

What versions will we follow?
We are starting at Beta 1.2 and will be following each major release until we catch up to the modern version of minecraft (probably release 1.17).

How often will this update?
This will update anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on the update, the content and upcoming features. If the next update has really cool stuff we could use, we might be tempted to update sooner so we can play with the new content

Current Version: Beta 1.2
Whitelist: Soon


What are your plans for the world itself?


None right now. My first plan is a mob farm

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So how do you intend to add the new ores and features to the world without reset?


Cant even sprint right now so movement is pretty slowed. Only major terrain change happens in beta 1.8 where the more modern terrain will start to spawn in

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We now have a live status for the server over at https://0cd.xyz/minecraft that will update in real time. Right now it shows the online status, latency and current version we are running and general info about the server. In the coming versions we also plan to update this page with more information and statistics as they come available to us with later Minecraft releases such as player counts and other neat stuff.

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