The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

good video and puts how huge the LMG complex is into perspective. tour was 30 minutes long and probably didnt really cover everything properly

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Ye some of those really early office tour when it was first built were insane but LMG has really grown a lot since then and plus with Floatpane and all it’ll only get bigger.

Its what happens when you have 5 youtube channels to your name XD ( i know the last 2 are dead )

Channel Super Fun

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yep have to give it them for knowing their market pushing their content the best they can. You can tell a lot of work goes into their videos now and with a video scheduled for everyday too while also finding time todo massive projects like scrapyard wars.

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As an alternative to YT it sucks cause you have to pay a monthly fee. Kyle’s Ultra channel didn’t get much positive feedback either iirc.
If YT goes belly up someday or if LTT decides they’re fed up with the issues YT causes and goes Floatplane-exclusive I doubt they’ll get the same amount of views.

Possibly but their hedging their bets, being almost solely reliant on one platform is very bad for them and other creators and distributing via floatplane gives them that freedom from other services to be more independent. Also don’t quote me on this but i think Linus talked about having ad supported videos on Floatplane eventually and possibly brokering ads for other creators.

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It’s bad for everyone. Same with streamers who only do one game/thing.

It’s a safety-net. But it probably/likely won’t get the same attention as YT (cause YT is free).
But it isn’t really drawing my attention. First is the sub-fee. Then you have to make an account (or link an existing one with it). I know Kyle is on there too, but there’s no way of knowing what you can expect before logging in. A list of creators on the login page would look more upfront about what people can expect.
imo. But please keep in mind that I’m absolutely not a fan of services with monthly fees. I’m all for alternatives to YT but it’s not like just about anything will do and earn immediate praise - much less see them as a savior to break the shackles that bind other creators to a big, mean company, to lead them to the promised land.

This might be a bit of a far stretch and it’s not my intention to antagonize them, but in the end LTT is a company. Companies make money by selling services or goods. They’re not your buddies. I’m not saying that there aren’t any companies with morals who don’t do things just to sell their products. But at the same time they won’t give you their stuff for free. We’re customers/viewers, not buddies.

Again, my intention is not to antagonize LTT, but caution is required regarding what’s behind someone’s image. Although, I don’t think anyone here is the kind to blindly follow Youtubers and act like your average Pewdiepie or Paul Logan follower.

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And Steam is being stupid again.
Was looking for games similar to Dungeon Siege III and this showed up in the recommendations:

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Rush B…, What do you mean Counter Strike isn’t like Dungeon Siege?

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Last time I played CS there weren’t any dragons, swords or magic (at least on the non-custom servers).

Remember when I said I should move the power switch of the fan under my desk somewhere else? Yeah…just hit the wrong switch and cut the power to my PC… -_-

Ugh… not even a whole day here at camp and I’m already sick of the “music” dad has playing.

Fat camp?

Lol no.

Don’t tell me you’re at one of those German camps :scream:


Sometimes it feels that way


What kind of “music” are you tortured with?

Oh, you younguns nowadays don’t know what real music is with your Beeondzees and Kayn Easts and Communist Rap :expressionless:

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I can usually tolerate it, I’m just in no mood for it today.