The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Around February I general take stock of what I’ve done, ask myself hard questions, and look ahead. part of the reason is cause my birthday is sometime in this month.

I asked myself recently a question I’m deeply considering:

Do I want to write anymore?

An important question I need to consider. Yes I’m still writing. Technically rewriting. Consider that I’ve been writing fiction for 21 years. I knew someday I might ask this question. Now I have and I haven’t settled on an answer yet. So right now it’s I don’t know. If I do decide to stop, I’ll let you all know. I’ll still write for now.


In other news I have something coming from Sweden.

When it get’s here I’ll let you guys now. I think it is button. Not sure. Also, mo idea as to when said package is coming.

Why so vague?: Cause I’m telling the truth while leaving stuff out for reasons.




wait, thats not mine


A warranty card…a receipt…a book…


Gonna get 62°F here today…what the fuck? There’s no fucking transition between seasons anymore. Can’t even call them seasons at this point. Winter was a fucking joke here. And summer is just gonna be hotter again.


It has something to do with this:


Me considering if I want to still write:
Starts writing a very meta fictional court trial overseen by Judge Dredd to tackle the merits. Person representing being against writing will be Agent Smith, from The Matrix. Agent Smith has always represented a twisted pure logic, at least in the first film. Person representing being for it, A fictional female character JAG Officer from a story I had planned to write someday. I kinda swore I would never write a legal drama or one set in the United States but then I got an idea for a pretty good one. I think it would resonate with tons of people. Granted Military Legal Drama is technically very different from Court Drama cause the rules and laws are different. Witnesses for the Writing Side: Every Major Fictional Character I have written, attempted to write, and planned to write. Also me. And a surprise guest witness. Yes I know who it is. No I won’t tell you. Witnesses for against writing: Just Me. I know they seems little but keep in mind both sides can cross examine. I have no idea how it will turn out but it’ll help me decide and that’s what matters.


It’s rather impressive how bad Amazon is at shipping books. I don’t think I’ll be buying books from them anymore as half the time the “new” books I’ve bought arrive damaged or in poor condition due to lack luster packaging.

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That’s literally me for the whole 2018.
You can request a replacement, though. And in some cases they give you a refund and let you keep the damaged book. If the damage isn’t that big it’s actually a nice deal. But I refuse to overlook damages. Don’t want me sending back 50% of the books I buy? Package them properly and tell your delivery people to not throw packages around.

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is that what you said about the pizzas as well? :stuck_out_tongue:

No, this will never die… unlike those poor pizzas


RIP and just when i thought i’d have closure it all comes rushing back :cry:


Should change your title to some variation of “Pizza Murderer”


German Pizza Baker?


b… but i have changed my ways and vowed never to hurt a pizza again.


New hellboy trailer… Meh? SeemsOK. Also seems similar to doom in a few ways -music, and this:

I don’t know how to feel about this.

Otherwise HI


I always loved hellboy as a kid for some reason. Were just cool films to watch i guess. Never really seen them tho

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wassup in this joint

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I’m not sure what you are trying to say but ok

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Just binge watching mad men on Netflix, and driving either beer or whiskey…
otherwise… Not much.
I could play videogames at some point

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