The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

it kinda depends, some schools can be quite bad for most are pretty good, I didn’t go to a normal public school though so don’t really have any first hand experience of it.

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I’ll give the UK the benefit of the doubt and take that to mean the kid is really fucking stupid.

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Toilet paper math is really going to screw him up.

The amount of people who can’t do relatively simple math is mind-blowing…

Though that could also be because I’m great at math so what I consider to be bad at math is probably a higher benchmark than someone else’s.


If that’s average then humans aren’t nearly as intelligent as we claim to be

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I really want one of these :smiley:

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@Dje4321 do you know of a way I can throttle a cpu freq based on temp in fedora? debian has cpufreqd but I cant seem to find an alternative.

An excellent example of doing lots of work to make something to accomplish a simple task you’re to lazy to do yourself even though would take like 5 seconds to do yourself.

1 Like has an rpm for cpufreqd that you could try on fedora

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That might just do the trick

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So I went down a rabbit hole with trying to get that to work. Gave up. Found thermald. Realized thermald relies on cpufreq in the first place to work(for my situation). Now I’ve resorted to max freq in cpupower as a just good enough method.

GG no RE fedora.

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To be fair Fedora is on the bleeding-edge and cpufreqd is a very old package and the original project hasn’t been updated in 9 years, not sure if Debian has a more recent fork though

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TV News:
Arrow is Ending with Season 8 which will be 10 episodes.

Not surprised. Look it has had a solid run and proved you can have a good superhero show. Plus the spin offs are still going. Going to buy the complete the series on bluray once it is out. Definitely a show I can rewatch. No word on if Batwoman has been greenlight yet.

Hey chungus

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the thiccest of them all?

Stop it! I like to eat, so what?

Unrelated: it seems like I’m on my 24h awake/12h sleep rhythm again. Kinda sucks.

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Lols, sounds like me 10 years ago.

The eating part or the weird sleep cycle part?


I’m not even doing it on purpose. 10 years ago I’d sleep for that long after being awake for 2 full days. Or be out all night drinking, come back home in the morning, sleep until evening and then go out for a night of drinking again.
Can’t do that kind of stuff anymore. Last time I got drunk (which didn’t take a lot) it took me 2 days to recover. Getting old sucks…unless you’re an anti-vax child or live in the middle of Africa.