The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Rising theater prices over the years have made it less and less appealing for me to go. Which is a shame cause I love the theater atmosphere. You can’t accurately replicate that even with your “average fucking expensive home theater setup”. It’s different. Kinda like listening to a song on the radio is different from selecting it yourself. Not really, but kinda.


The tech for in home theather is a lot better now but it’ll cost you:
The most expensive part is the sound system. The ruling sound for cinema is DOLBY and no one else now. You can get a solid Soundbar and speaker setup with DOLBY for about $500 now whereas a year ago it was an easy $1500

I’m planning to get one eventually but not for another three years.

4k HDR tvs have come down alot. As have Ultra Blu ray and Ultra Blu rays.

I haven’t rebought my blu rays cause the Ultra Blu ray does up convert to 4 k. I only really buy the ultra blu ray for older films after reading the reviews of them from reviewers I trust. The only old films I bought on Ultra Bluray are Batman and Batman Returns so far. I’m planning to get Blade Runner Final Cut because… Blade Runner Final Cut is amazing and I want it in that version. Then I can have a mini Blade Runner day. Where I watch Blade Runner Final Cut and then Blade Runner 2049.

You may wonder are we going to get other editions of Blade Runner 2049? Nope. Unlike the original Blade Runner the Studios and Producers left the Director alone. He has stated that in many interviews and he got to make the Blade Runner film he wanted. It is a solid stand alone film.

I should go to sleep… off to sleep cause I realized I’m rambling.

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Oh, no no no. I mean EXPENSIVE. Going all out. The ones that get planned out when you build a house.
But even those can’t properly imitate that feeling of a real movie theater.

Don’t really have the space for a big TV. 32" 1080p is the biggest I have (and don’t really use it anymore as I consume all my media on my PC and tablet).

Dolby Atmos looked soo cool


even besides new cinema/home theather tech the old stuff is still neat. YouTube recommend this video a while ago and the setup like this for old projectors is really cool. 30 years old and its still running modern imax films.

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I mean I can do full theatre grade setup… But I also have what was a $1500 msrp Onkyo gimme theatre audio box, and concert/audiophile grade speakers lol sooo there’s that. And all that only does surround 3.0 so it’s not even really theatre grade, if I have 2 more large speakers, a subwoofer, and the 4-8 more small speakers for locational sound, then it would be theatre grade for real aaand would also cost like $3000-5000 more lol. If staying at theatre level/audiophile sound quality.

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So apparently this lounge is seachable by google, I came back to say that.


Yes. Its called it what keeps this place afloat

Definitely made me discover it


Hey Hey Welcome

You sure it wasnt my L1T Profile?

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Total accident but hmm so we can set titles here as our name… cool one moment


You get 2 titles. One you give yourself and one i can set

It was @Novasty I swear

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Why can L1T be that way dammit

Someone ban this guy for heresy.

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Fuck if i know. It was as simple as checking a few boxes in the settings lol

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Dont give in to the asian persuasion!

Best your gonna get.

Because some people actually put their real names in that box and no one wants to discover that is how you set a custom title, also TTP

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