The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

done for now till the potatoes and beets are ready

might make some grape jellys or can some condensed juice

and jalapénos i might pickle

might get some more tomatoes and make a mild salsa as well this is a pretty hot run


Muffler is now welded on, it’s great

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glass pack lel

It’s an actual one, not a shitty cherry bomb glasspack though lol

lol okie :stuck_out_tongue:

in other news, added a light house, and found the corner bits for the shoreline lol

edit: oh and redid the waterfall thing

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lazy stitchjob but basically the waterfall/most of the lighthouse* lol


think should look pretty decent if do like the tv animation i did but for the light spinning around


also finally cleaned the car, took it through a car wash etc. much nicer now


was messin around made a hotsprings in the rock formation with the waterfall

oh and added the pokemang logo from the shop onto the lighthouse just above the top windows on the brick part

might do another map but is a start i guess
added some apartments for fat kid and some randoms to live in

do have a little side map like the one on the right of the lighthouse, on the left of the crashed ship, and some more of the crashed ship beneath

think gonna move forest in/down more a bit, or maybe the rocks/both, so you cant go as far left at the bottom of that map,

basically issue is cant link maps diagonally/align them manually, so the bottom right one only works cause its water in the top left bit you could see if it was loaded from the top right map, if you walk down from way up on top right map, it doesnt load the bottom right, but you can set the boundry tiles(in this case water since island), so its just the same water so if its loaded or not looks the same, basically just loads the rock and stuff when you go to enter the lighthouse, can just see off the right

on the left its more of that rock formation, so if loads in water instead kinda obvious

but so far basically

  • purple roof: dunno who yet prolly some uptight prim n proper fancy person/couple
  • gold roof: prolly jessie and james gambling/bar/rapidash show whatever place
  • red and blue: probably actually just be one building with the 2 entrance/exits joy and jenny
  • the orange/red roof: big farm house with the orange roof is also wraparound porch(also the grey)
  • grey brick building: some kinda barn/storehouse/stables
  • random cave: probably jynx ice cave, or maybe have jynx at the hotsprings
  • shack with tall grass: probably biker, maybe biker and the fat middle age hiker as a gay couple
  • forest entrance probably a forest map with some bug catchers or somethin, maybe another cave entrance to a mine or some other stuff
  • 4 apartments: fat kid, maybe bald grandpas, maybe do a shinchan spoof, and have fat kid on the end next to a couple with annoying kid and baby, the gay cops, and acting lady
  • dunno for light house other than maybe some mission to repair it(to activate the light) giving exposition for the wrecked ship

for mining games:

  • was thinking that spot between the 2 sets of wooden poles, do a fishing spot
  • harvest crops at farm/plantation
  • clean stables/rapidash tending

otherwise depends on what do for the building maps and stuff, maybe could do like waitress/bartending or something, paid for doing shows, gathering stuff from the forest map, if theres a mine, some fetch quest/delivery things

also could do a whole north side of the island map or something too


sup nibbas?

Love the sound of the magnaflow glasspacks. We have 4" on the 289 in my mother’s 65 Mustang and they just produce the nicest throaty rumble. Make any anemic motor sound like a big block. :stuck_out_tongue:


heres with the other side maps mostly(messed up the left one can see a bit farther when you farthest left on the sandbar)

but the trees and stuff push you far enough cant see the white/where it fills in the boundry with the water, and thats all you can see of the ship or whatever

for the ship was tricky, without modifying tiles and stuff, is no back end of the ship in the game, so just went for a, it rammed right up in there and instantly stopped, think it works okay, like railing looks messed up, random boards on rocks and stuff

@Dje4321 @TheDiddilyHorror

but all got so far


I’ve also discovered that people in CA are fucking stupid lol. Well, more than I thought already…
I just have the car the way it is because good replacement for stock mufflers and I like how it sounds.
Meantime, jackasses with stock 4cylinders that have straight pipes or sporty cars with performance exhaust keep flooring it right next to me.
Which honestly wouldn’t bother me if I had my windows up but since I have no AC at the moment I roll with the windows down and having some idiot do that right next to me is just adding to the hearing loss from work :upside_down_face:

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In other news, hi
Modded skyrim… Again. Yesterday, and I still have to redo my Nexus mods but still have quite a few on the game just between steam and reshade. Will post screenshots after I mess with the brightness on my display (turn it down quite a bit) so the screenshots actually look similar lol. Yay for TN color accuracy.

ok fixed the brightness and such. i like the dark look, but vibrant look.

needs more reflections on the ice and stuff maybe in the next gen skyrim hd x11

I got annoyed that I couldn’t install as many mods as I wanted so switched to Special edition and uhh have 40 so far lol
Whoo 64 bit

k lol

dunno never used but didnt really care for the game all that much :x

added a thing

60 mods later and… pretty impressed.


will probably be adding some more. and fixing some of my nsfw mods as well… for whatever reason some of those broke somewhat but might post about that in that other lounge lol.


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They finally found the Minecraft seed for pack.PNG image! They used a variety of techniques to find the cords for the image and a block for block model was recreated to form a high resolution version in which the number of possible seeds were narrowed down to about 2^48 and was crunched down using a cluster of around 3500 crowdsourced GPUs to find the seed of 3257840388504953787