The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

headlines for the misinformation i guess or more of them doing shiz they said wasnt gonna happen like having micro transactions in the later online or whatever

That’s what happens when you push to get a game out that’s been hyped up so much.
Unfinished? Don’t think so.
Unpolished? Yeah.
The release was rushed and overworking your employees to get it on the market isn’t the best strategy.

we’ve had first crunch yes but what about second crunch?


Will the 2nd crunch be used to fix the bugs or are they going to ignore the bugs and work on the DLC instead? coughBatmanArkhamKnightcough

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nah when they crunched them being like, we cant just push the deadline back you have to work shitload, then just pushed the deadline back anyways, to crunch them again(prolly)

how bout just give a date that you will update them on instead of we’re releasing on this exact day(when its super far out)

we cannot push the deadline back it iz our destiny to follow ze orders
after working like 70+hour weeks to try and meet it
oh yeah we pushed the deadline back

Something something you either die a hero something or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

People give the AAA publishers shit about crunch and other unethical work conditions but muh CDPR is bae, can’t do wrong.

Which doesn’t matter anyway cause the games will sell regardless.
There’s an annual releases for games like Fifa which can hardly even be called a “new” game and people gladly play 60+ bucks cause it’s the latest release.
Nintendo gets away with shitty subscriptions for mobile games.
EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Take2, WB Games - they’re greedy companies that have been caught doing shady shit at least a dozen times (to the point where governments had to step in and try to keep them in check) and people still buy their shit.
“Vote with your wallet” doesn’t work.

ye only if people actually do it which is mostly just rare cases/or when people do massive blow back about something then maybe minor change next game or something. like battle front 2 they did remove bunch of the shit but game still sux and should have been like free 2 play, or like 20$ somethin with that havin no maps an shit

but usually just some complain online then buy it anyways/keep the preorder

The initial outcry is big but with short attention span and distraction, by the time the next game releases it’s already forgotten or it doesn’t appear to be such a big deal from memory.

“Oh no! Blizzard bad lapdog of Chyna! That apology was a farce! Boycott Blizzard!”

That’s probably including (digital) pre-orders as well cause Blizzard implemented features of the expansion to be accessible before the release but you had to pre-order it to get access to those.

but muh wow

Yup, and Diablo 4 will sell even better probably.
The pandemic has played into their hands. Bobby can lay off as many people as he wants, close offices and rake in millions each year and it won’t affect the sales much. People want distraction from reality.
Same with the dread pirate Bezos. Amazon will be growing even more and Bezos will acquire more wealth and power.

and bunch of the general public being like yeah close down your shops you trying to kill grandma?(but not amazon i need my shit delivered on time)

Well, that’s grandma’s fault for not going with the time and selling her stuff online. Why does grandma not sell counterfeit stuff from China? Why does grandma not have a premium subscription that gets me access to 1h delivery to my toilet and grandma’s exclusive tv show productions? Why did grandma not buy a streaming platform?
wtf grandma? are you even trying to stay in business?

even if she did lol :stuck_out_tongue:

just like shut down everything except places i want to go/use

Okay, Karen.

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i need my starbucks fam

On your way to or from your haircut?

nah they got shut down for long ass time. but starbucks and shiz was open cause muffins or something is food

you know shit people need to survive like donuts and cookies

and watered down “coffee” with tons of sugar and cream and flavors.

ye boi who needs 8$ anyways when it stops me bein grumpy

you’re giving starbucks money, your emotions don’t matter as long as they make you spend your money there.