The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

It snowed in october and now in febuary. Winter is now 6 months long apparently


I knew about it for a few years, kept reading the name every now and then, but when I didn’t get the GUI version to work I kinda benched it.
It blewing up all over the news is what made me want to get and finally use it.
For someone who’s used to software with a GUI that you can click and have visual elements it wasn’t quite clear how it works at the start - even how to set it up was a bit of a mystery to me.

Not interested in 4K yet, though. Don’t even have a 4k monitor/TV and my hdds would suffer even more.

There are no proper seasons anymore. It’ll be kinda meh with some “cold” days until the temps suddenly explode again around May. Then it’ll be hot again until around the end of September when the temps will drop rapidly over course of a week. Rinse and repeat.
And we haven’t had snow that stayed for weeks for a few years now. It’s usually gone the same day or the next.

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For me I find software like youtube-dl is usually soo much better without a GUI, sure it can have a steeper learning curve but once you learn its infinitely more powerful and gives you a ton of options that would ever be available in a graphical interface.

Here is usually snows like once a year if that for about a week and goes away again and even then everything turns to shit and no one to get anywhere, lord knows we have the rain for it, its just usually never cold enough for snow.


Hi michael. I am new here. Not a bot. Not a troll either. I am here forr sink and aremis and dinscurge.


Hey, welcome to the forum

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Moving sucks

I have like 4 more of these loads


So, I’m a bit OCD about keeping some software up-to-date and I made it a habit of checking for updates for youtube-dl before I use it.
And today it gave me this as a response:


A quick search showed that other people have/had this issue too and that it’s related to an outdated certificate. I looked it up and for sure I had one that was outdated.
The solution was to just delete it, then go to in IE/Edge and that should automatically update it.
Although for me that didn’t solve it.
I’ve seen people suggesting putting --no-check-certificate after youtube-dl --update and while that did the job (I’m already on the latest version), it’s only a workaround and doesn’t really solve the issue of the outdated certificate.

Is there a way for me to fix this myself or am I stuck with this workaround or do I have to wait until someone involved with the project updates the certificate?

probably nothing you can do if they are checking against ssl cert or something without trying to grab a new one when you run the command besides tell it to ignore, until they change the certificate, or the program

some sites have a random cert thats like set an hour before when you check it, and others are like the end duration of when their domain ends or something, which is why if you mess up your time settings on local machine some websites stop working so gud if you are set like 1hr into the future or something, since they load a new cert for the current time every time you load the web page or something

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Then I guess nothing’s gonna change. The reports of this issue go back to 2016.
I’m surprised it worked for me this long or rather that the issue just started happening, considering the date of the certificate was from mid 2020.
I’m also curious why the “solutions” work for some but not others.

dunno lel. hard to tell if they are even using the work arounds/version that has them etc

but i mean they added to the program and man pages
Suppress HTTPS certificate validation

thats probably their solution to their certificate configuration/issuing issues

I am getting unmatched security cert for the website itself. f

ye sounds like error is its connecting to their server and checks the cert on the machine instead of grabbing a new one and declares its out of date or something

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The proper solution would be to renew/issue a new certificate, not side-step the issue. This is what linux usually feels like to me.

the certificate does seem to be fixed now though at least it is for me with Firefox on Linux.

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well could also not use ssl/https certs lol

i mean its an update or whatev could compare with some type of gpg public key or something

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funny thing, they acutally do provide a gpg key and signature for this too though gpg only works if you also trust that key so it doesn’t work so well in pre-packaged software. An attacker could also supply their own gpg key and sign their malicious executable and you’d be none the wiser, least with ssl/http certs theirs a hierarchy of trust in those certificates.

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Works for me now too.

Trying to mess with the config file for presets (most importantly setting a different location for the downloaded file).

update: eet vorks!! I changed the download location! woohoo!


nah they can provide their own ssl cert on the site if they took it over lol, could even just sign it themselves prolly

fixed a thing mostly, might touch it up a bit more, isnt super sharp but had used it before even started after some real minimal touchup(removed some burrs) and it worked fine/it cuts cardboard pretty smooth from a quick test. but not sure how sharp will want it, from workin it seemed plenty hard enough metal and from the peening on the back of the blade looks they were batoning bones or somethin with it that would be misuse normally

but maybe a touch up on the final edge

got it for 4$