The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

I love pickled eggs

I think I just through up in my mouth

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Medium boiled eggs :egg: crushed garlic sliced onions 12% acid distilled white wine vinegar salt pepper

Love the flavor has a zing and garlic bite

I highly recommend if you dont want eggs to spoil


ye, have some plastic bins and stuff, some coke trays from work etc

Hell its keto

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A few more months and ill have amazing kimchi

Im following a recipe my neighbors taught me when i was a kid

And fermentation methods i learned from books i bought


thinkin about minor update on media server stuff when remove all the debugging shiz and stuff for the second calculate

some little things like timer for how long it took to do the calculate/maybe add number per second or somethin idk

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Made some banana bread

And spicy pickled eggs


Whats up scrubs its mid day and im not high enough

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reconfiguring OpenVPN on my router and adding static outbound NAT rules for all 7 of my interfaces because I hate myself.

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that star trek acid party still pree cool lol

back to work in few min :X

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Im gardening

I moved a sage plant that has slowly shifted to a higher spot up the hill

It will act as a better garden break

I will build a small retaining wall to hold back the hill from flowing down to much



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remembered another thing was gonna maybe add, add to server a ticker or something, was thinkin about maybe a log file but then the remember, if it has an error it stops so you would see the message so no point really lol

ticker might be kinda nice just for statistic or somethin, see how many its played consecutively or somethin idk. pretty pointless though mostly, be like uptime but in numbers of segments played

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Would be cool

Its kinda like how i like seeing numbers go up in counters on video games

Paperclip simulator was fun

mean it has tracking files for all the lists, but you can modify the position if want to go back or whatever else

would just be like the actual number it ran thru or something

edit: maybe just do a file with 2 numbers or somethin, could do like current up total, and then a lifetime number

but might go thru some old projects instead this weekend, them multiple one time pad/thing to create a data file to recreate a block of text from a second block of text etc

like quick bug checks, revamp -h and stuff

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Ps1 emulation on the imac g3 with original discs

This was one of the cool things this aio was useful for

I love the game


Thats awesome. Would love to replace the guts of one of those for modern applications but in a similar use case


like the netbook hardware thin client things they mount to back of monitor?

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Yeah. Probably some kind of thin client or mid range PC for doing stuff like 360 emulation