The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

First LN2 run is done, 20L in about four hours. Max of 7.03ghz on the 8370, and ran benches at 6.5ghz or so. Some photos

This was the power draw during one of the 6.5 ghz bench runs, lol.


only 666w? thats barely an nvidia gpu nowdays

ordered some expensive guitar shiz cause tube shortage thing gonna hit hardcore

but almost 200k minutes on server now since added the analytics but have had one time a weird ā€˜anomalyā€™? maybe lol somehow the internal tracking number got decoupled from the external number til i over wrote it with a change position command

so far not too sure what could have caused that being, it doesnt really store the number internally like that, literally everytime it goes to play a new file, it opens to check position file and then overwrites the memory with that value

main idea would be maybe somethin i forgot at one point in the later part of the server program(have a secondary loop to speed it up/be more efficient if its still playing the same list to keep that file open until it has to go to a new file, but still does same tracking stuff, just doesnt open the file and then scan from the beginning to get to the desired entry) that maybe got some kinda mixup down there where it writes the tracking files, or more likely something where it advances to the desired entry

if it wasnt some kinda memory addressing/reading blip where had a bit flip or something with my normie non correcting consumer memory, or some kinda file write error(s)

edit2: all i did was overwrite the number with the command and then the number returned correctly/resumed writing the correct tracking number in the file(s)

Did another LN2 run, got 7.2ghz max and 6.5-6.8ghz for benchmarks, 6.8 was semi stable and 6.6 or so was stable (but at 1.95v core, lol.).

also went custom loop for my 5800x, was annoyed with the kraken X53. Now running at 4.625 all core and 5.05ghz single core at max of 75C instead of hitting the 90C thermal limit and throttling. under similar settings. idle and gaming is now at 50-55c instead of 60-65. I would have gotten a GPU block as well but the 6600XT hits the max of what it can do on air anyway and also, no blocks for the gigabyte Gaming OC as far as I could tell.

somewhat annoyed that my Intel Nvme drive died though, so now running on a couple of Inland 240GB ssds. might have to see about getting an M.2 NVME drive now.

is that winnie the pooh?

yes, lol. probably not a good idea to build custom water on my bed butā€¦ it worked (is working) so itā€™s whatever lol

lol ye prob not that big of deal, i mean they tried killing stuff on linus the one time, most the time people dont make that much static anyways

decided try one of the odder shape sprites for gettin back into doin stuff

am 50/50 prolly fine for this type of use but if he was running looks bad having it rapidly toggle between the walking frames did a lazy just angled the edges of the cup body/lid looks weird face not angling but not that many options for degrees of rotation when the minimum is 1 pixel when say the eye is only 2 px tall, is like 45 degree angle, where if shift lid up 1px at far right and one down at far left, over the like 16 pixels is alot more of a slight angle

but for the walking where it just does like one at a time think is pretty usable has the hint of it tipping up but not enough time to really look at the frame before its back to the normal position

edit: forgot to put in the bounce lol prolly help a little bit


edit: retested with the shake with the bounce setup a thing in the showcase room so i could see the animation for each side by side, the bounce seems to have fixed it basically, instead of just a jiggle kind of thing where sides goin up/down, with the added hop as it were

carl one was never worried about really other than it being identifiable, think maybe a touch on the cheekbone line for the sideways but otherwise think pretty good mostly other than color for the front is off for the hairy arm bit but same deal

Got my 1800X mostly prepped for LN2, will be doing itā€¦ idk at some point. Annoyed that the X370 Titanium from MSI has pretty crap bios settings for memory, no controls for cpu side so basically since itā€™s a QS 1800x it doesnā€™t do 1:1 memory speed very well on the IMC. Basically limited to 2800mhz ram because of it, will try to lower timings but oh well. In any case for things like Cinebench that mostly only care about core speed should be fine:

Need some more shop towels and to put on a bit more plastidip but itā€™s pretty much ready.
Will be interesting to see how the thing does with no cooling limit.

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just doin fans for vrm?

On the 990FX motherboard at full pot VRM was down to -30C to -80C so heatsink isnā€™t really needed, and need to remove it for waterproofing anyway

ye need clearance for towels and stuff

i tell you hwhut

had to flip the watch to other arm for the behind one forgot XD. the side one is messed up when you go right and cant do anything about that though, since it just flips the sprite when you walk right, of the walking left frames

Wolflebenā€™s Status Report since I havenā€™t been here for a bit:
I honestly donā€™t know how it happened but at work not only am I a managing paralegal, I am also the only person providing Quality and Assurance Feedback for our internal automation software to our development team for it. Iā€™ve been doing to Q&A for a little over a year. Itā€™s been interesting to do and Iā€™ve enjoyed it.

I beat Elden Ring. Now doing a 2nd play through to do wallpapers, at least till I reach a certain point. Then Iā€™ll pause that till the DLC/Expansion comes out. Honestly I donā€™t know what the expansion could be because the game feels so complete as it is.

Writing is still happening. The book will be done someday. I can say it is some of best writing. Youā€™ll just have to patient. Iā€™ll talk about it when it is actually about to be published.

I am studying for the LSAT, to potentially go to Law School to become a lawyer. Iā€™m going to let the test results determine that. I already worked it out with my firm that I could work there full time while going to law school part time. So everything is in place for that. As to what law Iā€™d practice, donā€™t know yet, right now focusing on studying for the LSAT. I wonā€™t post too often but when I do Iā€™ll mostly be posting wallpapers every now and again.

Sometimes Iā€™ll chime in here if I have a cool thing to share.


nice, just been mostly nothing here lol. doin couple test sprites but idk more testing before i commit

edit: mostly wrestling with perspective and the very limited pixel availability and bein bad at art in general,

think like this partial outline helps adding back some of the depth from the from above view, but thats also a point of contention that i need to rearrange the showcase room to make a test scene with some of the vanilla sprites and stuff so i can have a in the same scene comparison, of the different bodytypes

then in general the perspective of the game is weird anyways, like the angle that the sprites are standing compared to other objects like walls/buildings and stuff doesnt always match anyways

so might be fine-ish as sort of a just looks like they are standing with a different posture or something but idk, thats why gotta test

Iā€™ve been doing some reflecting on video games and my playing them, while I play through Elden Ring again. For awhile, Iā€™ve been considering when will I effective retire from buying new ones or if I did it would have to exceptional. Iā€™d still play what I have.This is partly due to me writing and partly due to my plans to be a lawyer.

There are a few games I do know Iā€™ll get without a question: Alan Wake II , Max Payne & Max Payne 2 Remake as one game by Remedy , The Sequel to Control (I love Control. I know itā€™s isnā€™t for everyone but I am hyped for the sequel.), and Hellblade II.

I have come to the decision I would just retire from buying any new games with the exceptions of those games I just mentioned. Any other game would have to pass a very high bar for me to consider even looking at it. So pretty much like how I deal with Anime, Television, and Movies.

For Reading books or comics. I retired outright. It was hard decision to do that but as someone trying to write a book and planning on writing more than one book, its for the best.

was mostly looking at dying light2, elden ring maybe although have heard the controls are weird for kb/mouse, stalker 2, elex 2(those 2 not that great of games prolly but more from playing previous games from the studios and enjoy some of the stuff they do/is different)

for games this year anyways, so far only got dying light2, which pretty good, main gripe was marketing saying the choices was big part of the game, which compared to their previous games was/is accurate statement, but usually they showed earlier sections of the game in marketing/pre release footage and stuff, when they were showing stuff way closer to the end, so like where you can unlock a whole region of the map, you can but was populated with overpowered super aggressive things and thats basically it other than a change in mission(have to chase some guy to a bunker in that map) not sure what happens otherwise havent replayed it yet

otherwise the decisions were more typical like faction choice/ aggregate decision for the ending sequence, but compared to no faction at all just straight line, the dual line mostly same events just different side of the quest/battles is more options then none

but perspective i guess, compared to 0 choices some/a few is def way more, would say like more than fallout 3 maybe, but less than new vegas def, but then again every rpg release usually says about how its the most advanced thing and you have all these choices but then its basically the same as playing like gothic 1 if even that, so not really a surprise there that its not the pie in the sky next level of multi path whatever plot

I could write a post about my many years of using Linux as my main operating system but that post would be a long wall of text. It would have a TOC though. I just donā€™t have it in me to want to take the time to write that post.

The TLDR version of the post Iā€™d write would be:
Yes Linux is my main OS. It is Opensuse Tumbleweed. It is what works for me.

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this is the biggest take away for me. Everyone has their opinion on whatā€™s the best Distro or desktop environment to use but in the end its all about finding what works best for you.

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Yes. Thatā€™s the whole truth when it comes to what os to use, you just use what works for you. If thatā€™s Windows, Mac OS, IOs, Android, Chrome OS, FreeBSD, or Linux. Just stick with what works for you.


ideas for media server project:

probably do a quick test of a different variation/maybe couple of the newer style boot strapping thing where it had the sorted list and threshold to restart the list to rescan the longer ones more, to do like reverse order one that would play the shorter ones earlier/higher priority

then prolly work on help text/formatting for those to describe as short as possible what it does, why use calculate 1 vs 2 or 3 or whatever. think just placeholder now where it just says c1 c2 c3

then maybe do a second console mode, which would basically be a controller app, so instead of typing mclim -play starwars you could just do play starwars or p starwars

@Cavemanthe0ne kinda interested to see what happens with them rumors about the double e cores on intel chips or whatever, i mean when they launched the first ones and they changed turbo to mean auto oc to the moon like they claim tdp of 125w then it actually consumes like 240 some of them workloads is already pretty meme, like you could upgrade from a 5950x to in some cases lose but also draw like 85% more power to do it

that if they try to actually mad lad like 24+core 125w tdp actually pulling like 300+ watts at stock/as shipped settings, i mean those poor sods trying to run like 150$ mobo, unless get a significant improvement in node performance or something like 50% lower power draw for the same clocks, otherwise might have to just start dropping clocks on the turbo to not go critical mass. but if you ship a new chip with higher(but lower irl) clock speeds, the rage

Mini story on how I ended up on Tumbleweed as my main OS:
I like an OS that is easy to maintain, light on resources, and current with web browser builds.
A fact when it comes to a lot of Linux OS is they arenā€™t uses the latest builds for web browsers or software. I know the reasoning for that - testing the builds to make sure they meet requirements and donā€™t break things. I get it but from a pure Security Standpoint, which is a big thing for me (I admit have OCD when it comes to Info Sec), its a risk I donā€™t want to take even if the risk is low.

This is where a Rolling Distro comes in. There are couple of them out there but Opensuse Tumbleweed checked all the right boxes:
Stable Rolling Distro - Use the latest builds of software and web browser
Easy to Maintain
Comprehensive Documentation

I switched to it two years ago. I really like it. Right now I am primarily using it in a Virtual machine cause the laptop I installed it on died a year ago. Donā€™t worry I had redudent copies of my critical stuff. Also that laptop was batch I put together with spare parts for giggles. It had a good three year run considering it had been dead when I got it.

I do plan on installing Tumbleweed another laptop and an actually desktop. Not happening till the PC part market gets back to normal. - For now though Iā€™ll keep using Tumbleweed in VM.

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I take some what of an opposite opinion on this, my systems are mostly also bleeding edge (arch, fedora, nixos, etc) and Iā€™ve found I have far less compatbility issues using those than the distros that hold back on updates, reason being is they donā€™t always backport bug fixes as readily or support newer standard ways of doing things which can break interoperability and sometimes flat out deny you from using software or doing things on the system you want todo.

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