The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

I want my Chrome OS Tablet now. Though I want an 8 x 11 inch screen tablet which will probably never happen. I want it to though.


So say a fairly large tar archive full of files is better than a single jpeg image?

depends on what the files are made out of in the tar but for the most part yes. You could even have the file itself be the key

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nice. would be very interesting to test out different files and see how they compare after you’ve got a PoC running. wouldn’t using the file its self as a key but a poor idea? it would be an obvious target? or maybe not because who’d expect that.

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you would have to have the file in a unencrypted location somewhere because its the key so it removes the point.

But you could use any file that you can read. the kernel, bash, passwd, the encryption program itself XD

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This is gonna be soo interesting :smiley: does this mean I can use my GPU as the encrpytion key :thinking:

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And key itself will be derived from the file but how its derived is up to you. That means you could easily have 10000+ keys from a single file

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how where talking. so say I write a program to randomly select files on my storage device, I can feed that into the encryption program and I’ll random distributed keys across my whole storage device. this would be some next level shit.

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it would be possible todo that yes but you would have no way of knowing what file was what because they key leaves no fingerprint in the data. just translates it into random noice

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yep obvious approach would be to get my program to spit out a log before It pipes to the encryption program but would have to think of a good way of remembering all that for this to work.

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Minor progress on ReShade thread. Granted it still has a bit more work before it can go live. It’ll get there.


So just noticed that one of the Ethernet cables going from my router to switch had died, thank god for Link-Aggregation, replaced it and everything is good but damn was that a good save.

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Now to clean it and everything and then maybe swap the cooler on to the ES 260. Hmmm.

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Also lul.


dark meme

i just remembered I have a couple terminals lying around extra lol… just got some random USB to serial cable to test an idea. Could be cool to have one run the chat for streams, or something :smiley:
i think i even have one of the keyboards for them so that is nice,

also fffuuu google i want terminals not command line terminals rofl y u no help me find things lol

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Hakko or gtfo :stuck_out_tongue:

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Headphone holder is taking shape.

edit: Initially I wanted to put a curve on the flat part but…I fucked up. So now I’m thinking about acquiring some foam, cutting it into shape and glue it on the flat part.
But not sure what I wanna do about the wood finish. Could just spray some lacquer on it but that would require cleaning up the wood (filing, sanding, etc).
Could also glue some felt on it but due to the odd shape it will probably turn out looking like shit.


The long ramble on using search engines
Advice on Searching with google or any search engine.
Did you know a search engine is a program?
Putting things with " " around what you are looking for specifics look for this thing. WIthout it just searches for the thing and things like it.
If that doesn’t work then you can add a + " " or -" " This tells the search engine in teh case of plus to look for what is in the plus along with the original first search item. The minus tells it to remove searches from it.

TLDR: Just search using -
“Terminal monitor”+“buy”

How do I know so much about searching:
I was taught about when I was twelve, I took notes and still also what I learned.

Extra: I helped alpha test Wolfram Alpha which is a really fun search tool:

It doesn’t search the web but it is a type of search engine.


I can not recommend using a chisel as a carving knife.
Only leads to the use of bandaids.