The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

openra has run on every linux I’ve thrown at it so far which are Linux Mint, OpenSuse, and Ubuntu:

As long as I can run that I’m happy.

Speaking of games. What if we did a virtual community LAN event?
I know the community is small but it’d be a fun thing we could do.


I’d be down for that.

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me too. have any games in mind?

At the moment not yet. It would be best if featured games we all had or could get easy access too.
I got an idea. I’ll go make a thread for said virtual lan and we can sort out the games there.

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Infuriating but amusing would be Civ 5 rofl
Other than that not sure

I could see if I can get a hold of more beta keys for mutiplayer Grand campaigns in Empire Total war. Also could set up Neverwinter Nights possibly.

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great. if possible should try and make them cross platform, I and likely some others don’t have easy access to Windows and it should be something we can all play.

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Oh also @dje4321 we could make a thread and also have the discord linked for above thing

For voice chat and text chat.


I made the thread for organizing the games. I’ll post the games I have later and sort through what everyone post.


i would be ok with that


not sure if link will work but this song is incredibly amusing

also time to dig out the terminals lol

after a bit of cleaning, now im just waiting on the relevant cables to show up to start messing with it :smiley:

i also have an amber screen one. may also hook that one up after i set up the above one and everything


oh also @wolfleben see above for the terminal im trying to convert
so far i’ve figured out that either going through CL of windows, or putty should work for using the thing
but other than that details are … rather sparse because all the other hits are “hurr durr how to i turn a computer into a dumb terminal”

any more thoughts on where to find setup info?
also @Dje4321 i may need help with this terminal later lol



Subscribed to someone on Twitch with the free Prime thing and when he read my name he just went “…ew”.


live with moar Rogue :smiley:

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It lives. Lol.

Still don’t have it connected but the keyboard I have for it works so


oh, china.

scams are even more prevalent currently because mining

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Yeah when looking at 970s on ebay a little while back checking the price of the card it was full of listing of those things.

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Been thinking of something lately. Why not make a console with a PC mode? You basiclly flip a switch and it will boot into a PC mode or Console mode.

PC mode just runs something like standard windows, or even something like Linux. You have full access to your x86 PC games on your Console with special drivers that makes use of the controller, power button, hdmi input, etc. You could even go one step further and partner with Vavle and have something like steam pre-configured.

Console mode will just be your standard console interface with console games. The advantage of it though is that you get a much better experince on the console mode since the games will be highly optimized to a very specific hardware set.


but muh customizability

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