The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Why would anyone want to spend 2 months traveling through a country with bad hygiene just to get banged by some filthy “guru” and tell people smugly they found their “true self through spiritual enrichment” or some crap like that?


Because there’s nothing special about them so they feel the need to do something to convince themselves that their not a waist of space and dilute themselves to thinking they’re better than others.

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I want to change myself, be more open minded and diverse. Okay, let’s see what everybody else does in that situation.

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Talk about every new years and say they’re going to something to change themselves, but ultimately fail after one day to two weeks and then repeat the cycle every year until they die or give up on the idea.

I need to know this anime


The show is called New Game!. I’d say it’s mostly about cute girls not kissing, but it’s supposed to about an all female Japanese game studio and main character in the newest employ there. There’s not much about programing as she is an artist, but I found it a good lighthearted watch.

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I meant these fucks:

This also fits (oh, and a Macbook, what a coincidence…).

New Game!! was kinda boring and everybody complained about them missing out on calling it New Game Plus.

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Great show, watched both seasons and the OVA, loved it. Want more!

I like CGDCT anime… almost too much…


Idk why all the hate for the second season… I thought it was pretty good. Not as good as the first, but it certainly wasn’t bad/boring imo.


@TheDiddilyHorror I enjoyed both seasons

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I’d be fine if they couldn’t find their way back.

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Yay is done now.


Not bad. Those 6970s hold up pretty well given how old they are.

yep. i was pleasantly surprised, though there’s a couple titles I didnt include like GTA V because the results were strange
avg like 100 FPS but holy dear god, the stutter fest means it’s unplayable
i think it’s more to do with the legacy drivers than anything though

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yep GTA V is a strange one, could also possibly be because of the limited vram on those cards because boy does GTA V like vram

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I find find the divers part funny as for some reason Nvidia still support the 8000 series cards like my 8800GTX.


though it makes sense as nvidias driver team is the size of most of AMD’s graphics card team in all divisions, put together rofl

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see thats not it i think as changing the settings had no effect on the stutter
FPS changed some sure but the stutter was just as bad at lowest possible or highest possible so?
have not yet tried it without Xfire until I’m done testing the cards so

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so ive got 3 things i want to get done today.

  • Create a thread about the breathing animation on my macbook air
  • Create a thread going over BBcode and how to use it
  • Port over my ULT series and possibly write a part 4 not likely though
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