The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Weirdest lectures ive had is a one armed professor teaching coding C++ rofl


I’ve had a professor that did that too, I never was on the receiving end of it so I just found it funny.

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He should have gone into robotics could make a new arm.

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yeah and ofc the whole room started laughing when they were doing it, the funniest part was the people kept doing it on purpose to trigger the stare.

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We just had stupid people that couldn’t learn so no one needed to do it intentionally we had idiots that did it naturally

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yeah we had people like that but those tend not to even go to the lectures anyway.

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There was a strong correlation between getting stared at and dropping the class

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The only time I had that happen to me was when I was so tired a few times I nearly fell asleep in class
So happy I dont have to do that grind anymore lol. Especially during testing seasons.


We had people literally fall asleep and the lecturer didn’t even care, the whole thing is that its your time your wasting and if you fail its your fault. was even told that one lecturer still took lectures when no body was even there because it was there job to do the lecture so they done it anyway regardless. it was different in seminar though because smaller classes and have to be engaged in the subject directly.


And people wonder why college doesnt prepare you for real jobs that well lol…

Side note; the only classes I actually liked were German because good professor, and a European history class because of a GREAT professor. The rest were meh. Also a random art history class that was actually interesting to start but also had a good professor.
And I liked my intro to electrical engineering class because I am rather good at machine coding and the like but thats literally 4 classes of the 20 or 30 I took lol
But yeah. Random rambling


Don’t really think I had a favourite class during University, it was all mostly meh but 90% of my time was spent out of classes doing course work, in College though the teacher that we had for system administration/hardware was amazing. He used to be the head systems admin at the College before be became a teacher and he’s the reason I started using Linux in the first place. could talk to him for ages about random Linux stuff it was great.

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Totally unrelated;
I dont understand the types on social media that enter all the giveaways and have a strange thing for finding them and posting about them.
The time wasted doing that could be used for oh idk, making money to be able to just buy PC hardware instead of trying to get it free, enjoying and being satisfied with what you have, etc. But whatever lol.

(I’m talking about the people who only enter giveaways all day long, not just occasionally entering one or two here and there)

Also giveaways that end in like 4 years are amusing. As people wont read the fine print and see (shiny new hardware) and not realize the drawing is in a long time from now and then share it.

The point of university is two things give you the tools for entering a profession and lower the time it take for an employer to train you.

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I prefer to work and not have debt, and be able to pay for my schooling outright though. Maybe I’m just one of the few people like that though lol… I barely use a credit card and everything I buy I buy with money I have. Not money I don’t actually have.

Summer engineering internships pay better then most low skill jobs. Plus once i’m done with school I’ll get payed 58k-85k a year starting. so it’s worth it.

is just weed. no big deal. most cops dont even care

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There is that. Funnily enough meth is a bigger issue here because uhh reasons I guess?
Until green is legal though I’m not going to have any. Just because a lot of jobs I’m interested in do testing for it among other things so.

Oh also. May be getting a new job … Shortly. Had phone interview but will be a few weeks till I know if I get the in person interview.
If I do get it would be nice though. Lots of travel and is a management position for construction so.
Will see.


Microeconomics and macroeconomics. The material was pretty interesting, but mostly the teacher. Best teacher I’ve ever had by far, and I’ve had some great teachers. Actually gave you real-world advice, and his stories were fantastic.

Other than that… nothing much to speak of, other than I hated accounting (go figure right? [unintentional pun]).


I’m minoring in Economics, because I found AP micro and micro interesting in high school.