The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

I used to work at Staples as an Easy Tech and diagnose and fix computers–to a degree.

Now, they don’t even have that anymore, and instead outsourced the position to a remote third party (of indians), to handle all software stuff like virus removals, and they actively tell people with any hardware problem to go to best buy.



I’ve applied for similar positions even with a bachelors in computer science and still got turned down every time.

They should really break down that map into counties… or population density, states are far too broad a metric imo for that sort of thing (stats fucking suck).


My state, South Carolina, is actually overall poor in all regions. But let me research this further.

Rank County Per Capita Income Median Household Income Median Family Income Population Number of Households
13 Anderson $22,117 $42,871 $53,229 187,126 73,829

2 tihngs.

  1. Are you gonna put that work in? This is a website that probably has to turn out a article or two a day
  2. Overall it tends to even out. Trust me. There are about 2-3 towns holding my entire state up in that metric

Meanwhile in MN even high schools have computer repair shops run by teachers and students. Like me @Main_Main and a few friends along with an awesome teacher restarted the one at our HS and it was mostly students who may or may not even know anything about PCs led by the ones who did know how to fix computers fixing random peoples stuff.
When we weren’t playing games lol…

lol. my old high school had that but my new high school the tech department does not even know how to run basic unix commands on a mac :woman_facepalming:

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Should log into the root of the macs and have some fun with that rofl

considering they use a single self signed all trusting cert to verify everything then it wouldnt be that hard. There have been cases in the past where the admin password was leaked and a student rm -rf / on every macbook XD


next time a mac breaks tell them to run rm -rf / on it to fix it XD


they would have to know how to boot into single user mode to make it that far

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I added my county deets as a table.

Minnesota 8th best

So there ignorance is actually helping them XD


i would be hated if i worked there. I would actually force the tech people to learn linux/unix along with actual security practices

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anyone know a good place to live?

kek I can see it now and it would be glorious, somebody needs to kick them into shape XD


i here colorado is good :kappa: