The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

I had one I really enjoyed, the pay was shit, but the hours were alright and all that. Got laid off at the start of the year.

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The WiFi at scsu constantly drops connections that why I use mobile data instead of the wifi here

Ooh LGR just put a new video out for Patreons :smiley:

When I was at college the WiFi in the computing building was nearly unusable and couldnā€™t even connect to it 90% of the time because the AP was below in the library and it was an old building with thick concrete walls.

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Apparantly my campus building used to be a lockheed building so itā€™s annoyingly constructed and the wifi solution theyā€™ve set up is trash

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same here lol

Lemme guess, BCC?


nevermind lol


well then

Damn NEETsā€¦


wake up board

Im gonna buy so much hookers and blow when i get a job :smiley:


I mean, youā€™ve already got your own club, so thatā€™s all you need tbh

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sure you have to get that new job party :smiley:

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And Blackjack. you need blackjack

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Actually, two of them are in Education, which goes against being a NEET.
And thereā€™s also a difference between being a NEET by choice and being one due to certain circumstances.
NEET life is being romanticized by anime to an unhealthy amount.

Butā€¦ @ThatBootsGuy you damn weeb and half-assing part-time NEET :stuck_out_tongue:


Butā€¦ But food. And beerā€¦ And cigarsā€¦ And whiskeyā€¦ And beeeeerrr. Lol.

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Just go straight to the pot

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But Y tho