The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Why not??

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BecAuse reasons?

I would have been jobless this summer if I didnā€™t get that internship.

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@Dynamic_Gravity i coming for you motherfucker :smiley:



Drug tests is why everyplace does them

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kek that reminds me, i should practice XD

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$17 per hour full time

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Im trying todo the single player challenge thing

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yep Iā€™ve done a fair few of them on the forest levels at easy/medium after we finished last night for an hour or so, need to go back and do more soon.

Yeahā€¦ unfortunately I canā€™t go full-time just yet. Need to have money to maintain the NEET life for half the year (except this yearā€¦ Iā€™ll be working some in the summer because I donā€™t want to have to choose between food and a car).


A lot of companies do that here to get cheap summer substitutes. Pay is shit and they expect you to work as someone who did the job with a routine of several years.
The latest shady scheme is to offer an apprenticeship-like position (limited to 1 year) with full pay after a few weeks but they basically require you to already have the qualifications theyā€™re supposed to teach you plus some additional ones (knowledge about law, graphic design, etc). Pretty sure they found a loophole to exploit qualified people for a few weeks and then let them go before they have to give them full pay.

The perfect NEET life would be having a steady income without actually working (or just an hour a week). Low-maintenance landlord or something like that. Big inheritances usually only come with the loss of a family member, so thatā€™s not desirable. And winning the lotteryā€¦good luck.

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There are companies in the US that do shit like that but they end up having lots of trouble hiring and maintaining personnel so itā€™s not common. Most places at least for engineering use internships as one method of recruitment and the vast majority of engineering internships are payed.

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I have a few members i wouldnt mind if something happened but im not getting shit in terms in inheritances.


Thereā€™s a better chance youā€™ll drown in your bathtub then this ever happening.


I should give it a try then. Only have a shower :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, thatā€™s the catch with those you donā€™t care about. What are the chances of some unknown great-great-uncle youā€™ve never seen in your life leaving you a fortune?


Not good unless i end up working for the cartel

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just goes to show how unlikely it is youā€™ll win the lottery


Same as a Niciguran prince who has a large sum of money that needs transferred.