The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

it would just change depending on where at. Would take a little adjusting to get used to it but wouldnt affect much.

You telling your friend to meet you at the bar at night would be ok still since your at a small enough scale that it wouldnt matter much.

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I think we can all agree DST can go fuck itself


clearly XD

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as things are with time zones when I say for example I had to get up early this morning, even in a different time zone people will understand that to be earlier then 7 or 8am. If there was one time zone you would need to check what time morning is there to understand what early is.

@Dje4321 If you were to go to Europe from the US for example you would have to make the adjustment to both when morning is and the concept of what morning is.

Or just get rid of the concept of time.

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Good luck removing what is a fundamental part of human culture

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Get rid of that too. Both humans and culture. In fact, just get rid of everything!
Except pizza.
And big tiddie magazines.


not hard. is just any other time and is in no means precise. Even now what time morning is to you may be completely different to your neighbor

concept of morning does not really change. You still get up when the sun rises and go to sleep when the sun falls.

Why would morning matter besides what time you have to get up? If you have a job appointment at 1700 and it takes you a hour to get ready then you should get up a 1530.

but how do these continue to exist without humans

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even that is going a bit far for me

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They just do, Sharon! They just do! I knew I shouldā€™ve married your sister Brittney insteadā€¦

ā€œWindows will restart your computer in a while (but itā€™s probably now, as everyone has a different definition of it).ā€

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ewwā€¦ 24hr timeā€¦

yes I know Iā€™m a heathen


im fine using both. prefer 12H but 24H would be easy to use with a global time

But you can use the military style and moan a little when saying times before 10am.


I prefer to hear moaning in the evening hours ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


there is a general understanding what time morning is.

youā€™ll need to change your ingrained since of what a given time means.

Morning represents a commonly understood period of time. Your individual tasks donā€™t change what the time period of morning is.

Are you spying on people who had Taco Bell for dinner?


I find young ladies are quite loudā€¦

probably because they arenā€™t expecting to see someone in the window


I Finally got my high powered camera back from the FBI. Wanna go see what Ms.Jenkins is doing?


Cleaning her teeth.