The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Nice, have seen programs before where people go way overboard with the OOP and start using it for stuff that doesn’t make sense for and the program gets overly complicated for what it is. This is good though, Also I think I’m gonna die soon XD

did you set it to 100k enemys XD

might want to check your ram usage with python before you die. should be at a few hundred megs

yep ofc I did :smiley:

ram usage for python is only around 45MiB for this.

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thats not too bad. i remember python killing my system when i set it to 10M enemies and watched as my ram instantly filled up and my swap get raped

:thinking: how there’s an idea

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eh, not too bad for 6M, its using around 2.6GiB XD

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not too bad lol

yep thing took ages to even load when I launched it and even longer to print all the enemies after every turn XD

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in add the following lines before menu.mainLoop(player,enemys) = 100000
player.stamina = 100000
player.damage = 100000
player.max_stamina = 10000

could even go into and change base stats for enemys

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This video makes alot of points


Thats more like it, lets see how far I can make it now :smiley:

Interesting. will take a look at it, there is something to be said about the way Bethesda develop their games.

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TL;DR Bethesda games are more like Action games with a hollow RPG shell that drags the player along and points out what youre supposed todo at every step and its kinda insulting

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Yes you can kinda see that, Bethesda games have always been big on action first, honestly they could strip most of that RPG stuff out and easily make a linear action game out of it and it would still make sense.

i hope ES6 returns to its roots and will actually be a RPG game and not be like skyrim where all dungeons are almost the same and very linear where you pretty much just follow a straight line to the boss and loot

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Here’s hoping, giving when ES6 is expected to be out they have the time to make dungeons and everything into something great. I’m kinda hoping ES6 will be a total reboot of the Elder Scrolls series but into something more RPG esk than action. I actually wouldn’t be apposed to ES6 having at least partly randomly generated dungeons which would go a big way into make the game feel fresh instead of doing the same boring dungeons over and over again.

ES6 is not going to be out until like 2024 at mininum. They are on record for saying that they have 2 new IPS that they are working on before they even return to the ES series. They dont want to be known as the people who only do ES and FO

yep can’t fault them for wanting to branch out into other things and I’m hoping those new IPs turn out good but damn is this wait gonna kill me.

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there is plenty of mods coming out for skyrim within the next year or two so their is going to be MORE than enough content. iirc there is a mod the adding all of tamreil to the base game of skyrim with their own quests and their is another 2-3 whole games based of skyrim alone that have atleast 40+ hours of content each if not much more

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Yes and I hardly wait for those when there’s done, exploring all of tamreil again in a single game will be amazing and hoping other mods like this will continue to be made until ES6 is released. I’ll kinda be like the stories of Skyrim with a variety of new games and content to play.

i wonder is skyrim modding will get so good that trying to compete against it will be almost impossible