The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Its quite possible, They have the time and potentially man power todo it. One things for sure is that modders are passionate about the game and their creations and won’t dumb them down like Bethesdaso we could see something truly amazing coming out of Skyrim.

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updated the RPG im working on. Damage will now vary some and ive rebalened gameplay some

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neat will update and check it out soon :smiley:

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is still hard AF atm but i might add support for waves next and rebalence around that but im gonna do that tomarrow XD

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Yep, still can’t kill more than 1 enemy but doing much better than before XD

Also I noticed display stats skips a turn, not sure if thats intended or not.

Yes and no. examining enemys takes time so its not something that should be done for free. Plus its easier this way too XD

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ah makes sense, so its sorta like a “scan” function from other RPGs. initially thought it was going to show the player stats or something.


would eventually like to have this be a full blown thing with exhaustion levels, and whatnot

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neat can’t wait to see future builds, could be a decent little terminal game :smiley:

yep. want to keep it all within standard python so people can just clone the repo and be good to go as long as they have python3

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yep sounds good, will also mean it’ll pretty much run on anything you can think of.

that runs base python3 XD

yep can get python running on almost anything now though

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So sleepy…

And Discourse did a weird on Android in the Brave browser when I couldn’t hit the reply button. Would just place the cursor in the text field / pop up the keyboard for text input. Meh.

And sleepy.


Discourse can be weird on mobile at the best of times though I’ve never tried it on Brave browser but had some iffy stuff happen on firefox before.

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discouse is also shit when it comes to mobile. Never seen it work right on any mobile browser


It worked fine a few days ago. Brave had an update though. Meh.

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Oh also.
Was going to do 2400G things but then unexpectedly slept from 5pm yesterday until I got up at 4.15 am today so that was a thing lol
