The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

@Cavemanthe0ne AMD site shits itself without JS lol


Got 4 follows today on twitch 0_o most in one stream in a while lol.
Also @Michael other people now have beat you in bits :stuck_out_tongue: got like 35 total between like 3 people so. Not bad.
Not sure if ill stream tomorrow or not as its supposed to be 75 which might make it too warm to stream comfortably but I’ll see. In any case streamed 7.5 hours today so.


Also. Figured out how, on mobile app of twitch anyways, the Streamlabs Extension works. Its quite fun actually, has a lot of games and such. Have only enabled a few so far but may add more. Its the button that looks like a jigsaw puzzle peice in below screencap:

Games and options to play with the points you earn in chat:

Card game:

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This is kind of cool, might get the case and cooler at some point as I like the TUF branding. Then again, probably not anytime soon as I have to build an MITX system for Quakecon but still

so on desktop, its actaully in the video when I am live. it is above the video settings and so on, looks like this:

can play games, do song requests (though its through soundcloud so meh), and vote in polls, take part in giveaways, etc all from that extension. not bad.


Also probably won’t stream until later today, as its 85 degrees out right now so I’ll wait until it cools off in the evening to get started. That said I’ll also be exporting a few archives to YT because reasons but not streaming till later.

Will likely continue playing Empire. And then everyone can play with the new extensions as well :smiley: Might do some code giveaways, might not lol will see.


Also the laptop keeps telling me that the 135W charger isnt powerful enough :frowning:

RIP, is it really pulling that much power?

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no idea. just thought it was funny

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yeah, its if anything to go by my old laptop use to pull around 90W from the wall when charging if it was also in use.

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I mean, one of the charging bricks I have here is like 230 freaking watts lmao so. For a laptop.
And I call it a brick because the thing weighs as much as the laptop I sent you does lol… That said it is a 230watt PSU so. Yeah.
They are only like $20 for basically whatever wattage you want though so its not like its terribly expensive looks at macs


Setting up a new router/network.

I’ll be eating ramen noodles for dinner for a bit.

The new router

1st I nuke the old one.


So my Cable Router is now gone rouge…
The bottom light is suppose to be green but it’s orange.
What does that mean?
I’m not getting full speed and not on high speed.
I’m paying for 100 but only getting 86…
I spent an hour on chat with Comcast because I refuse to ever call them. Anyway, the remote person could not solve the issue. So a technician is being sent here on Saturday which means: I can’t leave till they come.

What do you think the tech will do?:
No Clue. If he tries to replace the Internet Router with a new one, I will say: Wait. I own my Router but I don’t own that one. I’ll only let you use that if you let me buy it outright, no lease.


have you tried resetting it back to defaults? routers tend to be complete and uder shit so you often need to reset them

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Yep. Already tired that. It’ll get fix Saturday.

Gonna try out warframe


INB4 you turn into @ThatBootsGuy and can’t put it down.




almost as much as rocket league

Pretty close