What are you currently playing?

My summer car…

I have a very love-hate relationship with this game…

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Played some Titan Quest Anniversary Edition yesterday and today but the story telling is kinda lacking.

Thinking of trying Path of Exile but it looks really intimidating. So complex, especially coming from simpler games like Diablo 3.

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Played some Path of Exile. I don’t think I like it that much.

One thing I dislike is that you don’t learn skills but acquire them through gems you put in sockets in your gear. You can augment their effectiveness and add effects by putting support gems into linked sockets.

You get points that you can spend with each level-up. The board for the nodes is huge and you basically need to know what path you want to go on the board cause fuck ups are hard/impossible to correct the more you progress. Reminds me a lot of the sphere board in Final Fantasy X.

Overall it looks like a huge time sink and while it’s F2P there are microtransactions (mostly cosmetic shit but those are expensive, for example, there’s a pack that gets you also a physical hoodie and t-shirt and digital content but it’s over 400€).

Maybe I’ll come back to it from time to time but it’s unlikely that I’ll invest much time in it.


American Truck Sim and started Destiny 2 last night.

Gonna start Euro Truck Sim 2 sometime soon, but I want to stream that when I do get around to it.


Surprisingly, still PoE.
I still don’t like the skill system. And yet, I find myself coming back. Maybe I’m hoping that the endgame content will be better (cause in Diablo 3 leveling isn’t that great either without sets and all the necessary skills/runes still locked).

They should’ve gone a different route with the distribution imo. F2P is nice and all but some of the microtransactions are hella expensive. 50 tokens for 4,40€, 200 for 17,60€. Some of the cosmetics cost 300-400 tokens. ~40€ for some fucking cosmetics wings or pets or visual spell effects.
I know, this is how they keep funding the development and maintenance of the game but a model like 30€/$ for the base game and some other editions that give you ingame crap, and lower ingame stuff prices would be much better imo.
Then again, the game’s not dead and the single biggest rival for Diablo 3 in the aRPG genre, so it seems to work for the studio.

But there’s this feeling/atmosphere about F2P games that get their funding from microtransactions. It feels weird and kinda “incomplete” when all those (often just cosmetic shit) is behind an expensive paywall.

Really makes me angry at myself that I didn’t redeem those freebies Twitch sometimes gives Prime users for games. Missed out on 3-4 cosmetic packs (and packs like that seem to cost ~200 tokens on average).

Currently leveling a Mage and I want to go the Elementist route (don’t really like playing Necromancers or Occultists in games).
Might check out the Ranger after that or a melee class for some change.

But yeah, despite me not liking a lot of stuff about the game I keep coming back and it weirds me out.

Mirror. Yes, one of those lewd “Match 3” games.
The combat mechanic is a nice change of pace.

edit: found out there’s a guide to uncensor the game. and eeh twerks! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Banished, with mods.

Great little game if you like city building and resource management. It can be pretty brutal as problems don’t spring up or get resolved quickly, it’s a slow burn and if you’re going towards something like starvation there’s very little you can do unless you catch it really early.

re doing dead island> riptide> dying light before 2 comes out lel

tried pokeman ecchi version? :stuck_out_tongue:

not really into pokemon anymore.

is actually okay/decent lol

I’m probably jinxing myself here but I kinda want to do a playthrough of Torchlight 1 and then 2 again (only finished the story in 1 and then did a bunch of crypta run, I think that’s what they were called, to level my character even further).
By sharing this there’s a chance I’ll abandon it after a few hours in, just like with every other game.
But I like the series. It’s not a “real” competition to Diablo 3 imo. The graphics are kinda childish, the gameplay isn’t as smooth, overall it feels less polished and I am totally biased when it comes to Diablo 2 and 3. But I still think it has a place among the other ARPGs.

Actually finished the story in Torchlight 1. ~15h and 37 level-ups later I can finally move on to Torchlight 2.
It’s not as if the game is over once you finish the story in Torchlight 1. You can dungeon-crawl to your heart’s content in the Shadow Vault. There are even 3 NPCs which ask you to get a piece of ember or kill rare monster X on floor Y so got got at least some guidance.
But I’ll leave it at that and start playing the 2nd game of the series.
Not looking forward to Torchlight Frontier tbh. Just a F2P MMO, not a proper 3rd game of the series (as the missing “3” might already indicate).

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Yesterday I started playing Torchlight 2 and tested some classes. There are mods in the Steam Workshop that add new classes but for some reason they feel kinda clunky (well, duh, despite the effort that went into them they’re not from the developer team).

And neither do a lot of the other mods feel like they’re “part of the game” but rather some Chinesium aftermarket accessories that also feel kinda low effort.
So, while some of them are QoL improvements (like the inventory stuff, better highlighting for item drops, etc) the majority is overkill.
Oh, and while it’s not not even close to the mod fests like Skyrim, setting it up to the point where you can play with most mods enabled without the game crashing is not my thing. Especially since you don’t have access to characters (save files) that didn’t use mods.

What do you do with games that have a modding community? Play it vanilla and then mess with mods or just go crazy with mods from the very beginning?

usually not for bethesda games though lol(since base experience isnt so gud) but ye if good game on its own, then usually play to see what thats like, then gives me ideas for mods would want to try etc

Didn’t play as much Skyrim as others did but playing it without mods wasn’t that good. Reviews should put that in the final verdict, like “65/100 without mods, 90/100 with mods”.

< would still say like 60-70/100 with mods XD

mean they got some nice tiddy physics and stuff but such a pain to get all the stuff goin, exact order for dozens of things or crash, and still crashes on load like 50-85% of the time

With or without mods? Was usually too focused trying to notice when the motion sickness kicks in.

mods lol

also traps, ding dong physics, beastiality etc

I only remember the one with horse genitalia. Got probably less attention than Bethesda’s attempt to monetize mods.