Introduce Yourself

Hi, I’m KemoKa. Most of you know who I am, but if not, lemme give you a bit of background.

Who am I?

On the internet, I’m a cute little fox girl character who goes “:3” a lot and listens to Vaporwave way too much.

IRL, I’m a twenty-year-old living in the sticks of New England, wandering somewhere in the void between high school and university. Don’t worry, though. I’m not a complete loser. Things are going to start picking up for me again very soon.

What do I do?

I mess around with computers, generally building extremely powerful systems and then losing sight of what I wanted them to do, lol - I have a Fibre Channel SAN in my bedroom but I mostly can’t bear to turn it on because it sounds like a jet engine at idle. I consider myself to be reasonably knowledgeable about computers, although at a quite shallow level. Been trying to force myself to learn C++ lately.

What do I do jobwise? I’ve been out of work over the summer because muh fam has been doing other stuff, but I’ll probably be going back to it in about a week if I can. For the past couple of years I’ve been working as a spreadsheet jockey for a local solar company, but that’s just my “job title”. What I do/did as well was printer maintenance and repair, network administration, inventory, job proposal preparation and even the design of the arrays for the past year. I’m not an expert, but I certainly picked up some interesting nuggets of knowledge about the industry, so… take that for what you will ^w^

Why am I here?

Why are any of us here?

[lol jk it’s because @Dje4321 invited me.]


Who are you? - I am the owner of the company CubedCorps - A security consulting company that dabbles in other IT related projects and buys and sell technology.

What do you do? I am a seasoned IT professional that likes to discuss security, crack hashes, build very powerful computers systems for my day job (workstations, servers, Hyperconvergence, etc) I run a IT and security for an Engineering Firm, but also moonlight as a security consultant. For example I am building my new workstation which will be for engineers, but first for myself. It will be a 128GB AMD threadripper with Dual Watercooled Vega Frontier editions GPU’s and a SamSung 1 TB M.2 SSD.

What caused you to come to the forums? - Cavemantheone.


My names Tony, im an auto mechanic. Pc is life! that is all.


Hello! I’m Drip. I like forums. I’m a student. Was brought over by Caveman.

Will be browsing around and commenting when I see fit. Maybe share content too. We’ll see


I’m Main_Main
I’m a computer and electrical engineering major.
I’m here because I’ve known @Cavemanthe0ne since we were kids and after the second time he invited me to the forum i joined.
That’s about it.


Hi all,

Name’s up there. ^

I’m here because I’m getting tired of the shit flinging at L1T.


I’m **** Zoey ****

I work for a 3 Letter Government Department, (Server Infrastructure Networking and Firewalls )

Came her because @Cavemanthe0ne said i should, and theres @kewldude007 who posts all the Memes


Oh hey.

I collect GPUs.

Good chat.


Hey everyone.

It’s me, from all the other forums.

Guess I’m a bit late to the party :stuck_out_tongue:

Who are you?

Dynamic_Gravity is name, software development is my game (hopefully, still in school and can’t find any dev jobs in my area)

What do you do?

I work helpdesk for Walgreens IT. Not my dream job but it pays the bills a lot better than retail or phone support did (with a now defunct company).

What caused you to come to the forums?

I read @Dje4321 profile and this link was posted there.


Who are you?
I’m a quiet but sometimes opinionated person. I yearn for knowledge on various subjects. Enjoy sharing and inspiring.

What do you do?
Build things and hobbies. Electronics, programming, 2D/3D art, computers, cars, engines, boats, radio-control vehicles. Professionally a building automation engineer? (Also do IT, graphic design and tech work) swiss army nerd

What caused you to come to the forums?
Found my way following the folks at L1/TS.


Yo. I’m Laz.
I’m a college student trying not to pull his hair out every day.
Came here because @Dje4321 sent me here, so blame them.


Okay, since you asked.

tsk, I’m interested in cars, women, food and mobile devices, I also enjoy gaming although I don’t do it much.

I sell liquified dinosaurs and I’m an investor.
I’m here cause I was looking for a discourse forum, and I stumbled upon this one.


Woah, what’s going on here? :sunglasses:

My name is DevAdmin (no relation).

I am a DevOps Engineer for a SaaS company. I do cool things with PHP, Java, Golang, Ruby, Bash, and Python :nerd_face:

I was drawn here because I left a bigger impact on another community than I thought. I needed some time off for personal and professional reasons. I’m starting to get my feet wet back into Linux/Tech communities and have only felt mostly home at one place.


Sup im just a Junior College student studying computer info systems

I just meme and dream while getting through school

I came to the forums at the hint of @Dje4321 dropping it in my brothers Discord
I like communities and surrounding myself with peers of the same interests

In the words of The IT Crowd

Im here to drink milk and kick ass, and im all out of milk


Hello new place.


I am Zuul


I do everything I can (so not much)


New place for more informed people to laugh at my pain


Who: You may call me Moose Pluto or Knife
What: mostly flight games and HEMA
Why: Because I followed my girlfriend here and like a know a few buddies here. Also because someone has to see my memes


Hello folks! I am not a bot but a simulated npc that is sentient hailing from l1t.


Hello all. Yall know me as Aremis, but I’m on a new user now. Done with L1 finally, and just kinda bored. Thought I’d pop in here see whats up.


Nothing is up.

I see.

Yeah it can be pretty slow, I’ve been pretty busy with uni and working. still have time for the occasional LN2 benchmark session though, that and collecting random hardware.
Anyways, welcome to the forum!