If this is your first time at Ordered Chaotic Discussions, welcome to our community forums! If you are here just to read the rules, please proceed below.
Please read the FAQ for the The Universal Rule of Civilized Discourse for being a great member of the community.
The following rules set out some additional specific restrictions within the forums.
1. No NSFW Content in non NSFW areas
Although mature content is allowed, (news, history, etc.) NSFW content, including nudity, graphic sexual content, gore, etc, is not allowed outside of the NSFW Category. This applies to both real and animated content (i.e. ‘plot’ gifs, nsfw anime content, etc).
2. No Illegal Content
Posting or linking to any content considered illegal in the USA/UK is forbidden. This can include, but is not limited to: pirated software, downloads of copyrighted materials you do not have permissions to redistribute, grey market keys or similar.
3. Off-topic/low-effort Posts May be Moved or Removed.
This is a forum and not an instant messaging service. Moderators reserve the right to move or remove posts when they are off-topic/low-effort to the original post or if they are derailing a thread.
4. No Doxing or Impersonation
Impersonation of any member of the community (including staff) is not tolerated. Doxing of any member of the community is not tolerated. This rule includes alt accounts. The goal of this place is to provide a place where any discussion can be had and alt accounts can be used to force and bully a discussion into going a particular direction.
5. No Discrimination of any Kind
Racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination is not allowed on these forums. We want to welcome everyone to our forums, no matter their skin color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Derogatory terms meant to belittle or insult users will not be tolerated.
6. Each Category may have its own subset of rules
Be sure to check the category your posting in for additional rules that dont apply site wide such as the lounge category
7. Self Promotion
You are not allowed to self promote until you are TL2 and your post gets approved by a mod.