Post what new thing you acquired recently

aww those are adorable :heart_eyes:


Yep. Watched a presentation on setting and managing mySQL databases and they were giving these away and managed to get the last one :smiley:


nice catch getting the last one, its soo cute to pass up.


RMA replacement for my 1700 because the MCU pretty much died on mine.


My new car :smiley:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: What are you currently listening too?

Acquired a 1U server chassis a couple of days ago. This is it with my duel core Celeron inside™. My plan is to use it as a backup server with NixOS

Also 100% can’t use those fans unless I want to annoy everyone in the house XD

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Not my picture, but I ordered the first 4 books of the Diablo novels in German + The Book of Cain (paperback) in English cause the German version (as well as of the Sin War trilogy) is out of print. I grew up playing Diablo2 + Lord of Destruction and Diablo 3 in German and the localization team and voice actors did a good job. When I’m already used to the German names etc. I’m usually not keen on switching languages unless it offers an advantage and quality improvement.

Also original replacement earpads for my HD 598 SR from Sennheiser.

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Kobo Clara HD


Cant show a picture but cut out a massive vinyl sign for a local company. About 17" in size and 60" long


Humble RPG Bundle Tier 2 ($4.43+)
Tyranny and Pillars of Eternity caught my eye the most.

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Groceries…the unhealthy kind. That’s what I get when I watch Himoto Umaru-chan before going out shopping.

2x 2-packs frozen pizza
2x Kelly’s Riffles ‘It’s Big Man’ Cayenne
1x Lorenz Monster Munch Big Pack
1x Jack Link’s Beef Jerky (Sweet & Hot) only cause it was marked down and I had a -25% coupon for all snacks
1x Chocolate covered raisins
1x Napolitaner wafers
3x cans of Sprite
1x bottle Rauch Black Tea Lemon-Ginger

That should be enough splurging on unhealthy stuff for a while. Even more so cause I’ll probably gonna get new glasses this year which will bite 250-350€ off my bank account. Seeing is expensive, yet there’s so much shit I don’t want/need to see.
And in October I’ll get a new dumbphone for my grandma cause Nokia is releasing an outdoor phone (Tough 800). Her Samsung has seen better days.


Ultra Street Fighter IV (on sale, Humble Store; cause apparently the latest is just a shitty money grab with tons of DLC) I’m usually not huge into beat em ups but watching Hi Score Girl made me want to play one. I think the last one I played was Soul Calibur 2+3 on the PS2 and Tekken Dark Resurrection on the PSP

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition (also on sale, Humble Store; seems that you got it for free when it was released if you already had the regular Steam version but not the CD version)

Titan Quest Ragnarök (also on sale, Humble Store)


Just got an old TV for free and about to get a PS2 for $35 with GTA San Andreas and a few others, lol nice.
Will post in lounge probably when it’s all set up


These came in the post today. Ended up going with a pack of 24 30mm ones for now

They also work great as cable management rings and used them to route my Volta charge and Switch RCM cables too :smiley:


Got my first wrist watch in years. Kinda got tired of always pulling my phone out to see what time it is when I’m out. Although, I probably wouldn’t have bought one if Amazon wasn’t being a jerk and made the siphon I needed a Plus product (and I had to get the total to 20€).

Casio W-800H-AVES1


Not a calculator watch BOO!!! /s

Neat. I want to get a watch at some point but the stupid call center bans smart watches XD


At one point my brother wasn’t allowed to wear his smart watch at work so he just acted as if it was a normal watch and none noticed the difference just looking at the watch face lol


I still can’t see me using one. Just another thing I have to charge every few days and doesn’t really add any features that I’m missing.
Just need something that shows me what time/date it is with very little/no maintenance. Replace the battery every few years and that’s it. Maybe get an aftermarket band cause the resin bands seem to break after a few years (depending on use).

It’s one of those gadgets that I’ll gladly keep “dumb”.