installed solus, it has improved so much but some things are still the same rofl
no wifi still because it doesn’t see it
i don’t feel like fixing it currently. Also not entirely sure if this laptop has radeon gpu or just intel GPU but it hasnt found that either so yeahh
but other than that solus is quite nice now
not quite a daily yet but getting there
Yes. Writing has been interesting for me. As a writer while yes I’m doing paralegal at work, in my mind I review what I’ve written from the previous day. I ask can I make it better? THe answer was yes but it leads to the scene I wrote being more tragic and also at the same tiem realistic. That was the problem with the first time I wrote the scene. I thought no this doesn’t feel right let me think about it.
I also think about the readers.
Rod Serling puts it best on what to think of the readers/audience:
There is also this which is also good:
Disclaimer: Rod Serling is the writer that most influences me out of all my favorite writers. Guy was way ahead of his time.
seems ded today
oh well
will probably do stock 2400g review … today?
it still bothers me, currently it is still super beta-test type of thing but it works mostly other than odd drivers i guess so theres that