The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

considering about 1/3 of all updates is mostly increasing performance in minecraft

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Yep this is why I admire their work so much, they are never satisfied and are always looking to improve it to the point of rewriting whole engines if they have to. web browsers on the otherhand it feels like they stopped caring as much because everybody has faster computers with more memory and instead focuses more on features which kinda sucks.

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i mean its possible to play the full featured java edition of minecraft on the rPI

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I kinda want to try this now, I’ve played the Pi Edition on Minecraft before and it runs really damn well and would be interesting to see how it compares to the regular rversion but sadly I broke my rPI2 and I doubt it’ll run on a Zero :frowning:

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Ive got a interesting question that popped into my mind.

We are starting too see gender-swapped reboots of movies, tv shows, etc more often. At what point does it happen to be a cultural norm? not really expected of a show to have a gender swapped version but not really being played off as a cash grab either. How long until it becomes cultural expectation? Where a show not having a gender swapped version could be seen as trying to cheapen out on production costs.

and yes im smidge high

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hmm that is intriguing to think about. I think to some degree this may not be excepted for a very long time if only for the reason that people are very protective of their favorite shows. Swapping the gender roles would be seen as a massive change in most cases and threatens their nostalgia but then again their is almost no pleasing these people because what they do want is the real thing and it just isn’t the same for xyz reasons. Personally I don’t see a huge issue with it as long as the characters are true to their roles and its a good movie/show and I think we’ll get their but it’ll just take a while.

lel ye think, love these deep through provoking questions on High time with @Dje4321 XD

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Thinking about just creating a dedicated thread for these questions and ideas.

will probs be called “Philosophical time with dje4321”

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I like it. would be a great place to ponder the deep shit :smiley:

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For people like the Flash and/or Robin/etc I find it fine
For characters that are written as one or the other and all the previous comics/shows were as that same one (basically most things) its annoying when people try to switch the genders though lol
Y u do dis
Though it would be an amusing comedy if Batman was a woman or Wonder Woman was a man … But that’s it… A comedy :stuck_out_tongue:


INB4 the joker with female batman: “Listen here you bratty fuck”


High Times with Dje

all those happy little accidents :stuck_out_tongue:


i wanted to go with “Philosophical high times with dje4321” but didnt think you would be ok with it because “it might attract the wrong people”

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Could just use the existing smoking lounge lol

All this means is you cover life’s philosophical questions to the highest degree

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wouldnt want todo that because its not about smoking.

It is related lol… Besides, its not like that thread is being used anyway as I dont really like nicotine a ton anymore and I’m not going to have the other stuff until its legal and jobs are fine with it so meh

In other news played Black Ops Zombies on the AMD channel earlier for a few hours. Did split screen playing with my sister a bit and then did solo and got to round 22 on Kino Der totem which was pretty fun :smiley:

I’m still alive, not that any of you cared (which you probably didn’t).


aww i cared honest.

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I’m disappointed in you