The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

It’s all just “read off a spec sheet and show off the fluff you got as a techtuber” with those press kits that nobody else gets, so what’s the fucking point?

Its pretty much extra marketing to get people talking about the product, thats really all there is to it.

In other words: the despicable hype train.

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I just find it useful to know the actual specs and that.
Otherwise it’s just stupid hype

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That’s only 400-500 degrees warmer than here is sometimes LuL
Whereas compared to most places its like 800-900 warmer.

Unless its high quality steel which is… 2000* warmer or more either way :stuck_out_tongue:

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I posted Some Movie Recommendations.


You should probably watch the Practice PROG Judge Night on Wednesday after 16 00 ET. I’m going to write out the next PROG starting at that time in the thread itself. I’d normally do it outside but I keep delaying and delaying. So I’m forcing myself into a box to do the next PROG. There will be two more after this one.


World record clocks. At least, according to HWBot.

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And then theres Der8auer lol.

Bet I win on cost/performance though. $5.50 vs $4,606 in CPUs alone. So is EPYC 838x faster? (It would score 231,288CB multi if it were.)

You must not take jokes well

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Let me know when you tell the joke.

you were testing a decade or more old system that happened to be dual processor, and then at the same time Der8auer posts above video, if nothing else the timing of which is rather amusing, not to mention the difference in speed but whatever

in other news shipping off my 390x today, it has not actually served me that well but meh
going to someone who will appreciate the jump up from a 7870 so thats nice
also woooo i’ll probably be pulling another 24 or more hour stretch without sleeping to reset sleep before going to QC… then again… I’ll probably be staying up until 1-2am and sleeping till noon so it’s not like its a massive switch from … actually, yes it is LuL getting up at 4pm and staying up till 6AM is quite different.

also me most of the time now.

hows everyone else doing :smiley: ?

Have been on the phone most of the day calling pretty much all the legal practices in the area trying to trace a lead on something, it hasn’t been great :frowning:

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Great…I come home after 8 fucking hours in a hot room doing jack shit, take a shower and then get told the washing machine doesn’t pump. Now I’m drenched in sweat again and the we need a new washing machine -_-
And all my grandma is concerned with is the dust under the washing machine instead of looking up new ones in her budget…

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So time to move away from google

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lol so Chrome is now categorising your search results and recommending stuff based on those previous searches? can’t say I’d be too happy about that.

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yep. It knows im into computer hardware now XD

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lol and Intel no less, you need to start throwing it curve-balls to confuse it. just start searching cats until it recommends cat themed pc builds XD

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