The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

My anus is not ready lol


just sold one of the elitebooks i listed locally for $70 in 16 hours :smiley:
was just a dual core i5 but 8gb ram, and 750gb hdd so. still.
also sellingmy 390x (hopefully) tomorrow so that will be nice
i could sell off some of my older hardware on redditā€¦ meh?
it didnā€™t sell on twitter or discord so oh well



still not as bad as computex or CES but still lol

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lol yes and this is only for the unboxing and details too, imagine weā€™ll get this all over again very soon XD

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Stunt double at the live performance of Terminator 2.

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Oh please no. Those are so fucking useless and redundant. With actual reviews (benchmarks) at least not everybody uses the same configuration.

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This is kinda why I always tend to watch Gamers Nexus first as to spite not having the product and being under AMDs embargo they had all the information and it was clearly layed out.


Itā€™s all just ā€œread off a spec sheet and show off the fluff you got as a techtuberā€ with those press kits that nobody else gets, so whatā€™s the fucking point?

Its pretty much extra marketing to get people talking about the product, thats really all there is to it.

In other words: the despicable hype train.

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I just find it useful to know the actual specs and that.
Otherwise itā€™s just stupid hype

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Thatā€™s only 400-500 degrees warmer than here is sometimes LuL
Whereas compared to most places its like 800-900 warmer.

Unless its high quality steel which isā€¦ 2000* warmer or more either way :stuck_out_tongue:

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I posted Some Movie Recommendations.


You should probably watch the Practice PROG Judge Night on Wednesday after 16 00 ET. Iā€™m going to write out the next PROG starting at that time in the thread itself. Iā€™d normally do it outside but I keep delaying and delaying. So Iā€™m forcing myself into a box to do the next PROG. There will be two more after this one.


World record clocks. At least, according to HWBot.

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And then theres Der8auer lol.

Bet I win on cost/performance though. $5.50 vs $4,606 in CPUs alone. So is EPYC 838x faster? (It would score 231,288CB multi if it were.)

You must not take jokes well

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Let me know when you tell the joke.