The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

you were testing a decade or more old system that happened to be dual processor, and then at the same time Der8auer posts above video, if nothing else the timing of which is rather amusing, not to mention the difference in speed but whatever

in other news shipping off my 390x today, it has not actually served me that well but meh
going to someone who will appreciate the jump up from a 7870 so thats nice
also woooo iā€™ll probably be pulling another 24 or more hour stretch without sleeping to reset sleep before going to QCā€¦ then againā€¦ Iā€™ll probably be staying up until 1-2am and sleeping till noon so itā€™s not like its a massive switch from ā€¦ actually, yes it is LuL getting up at 4pm and staying up till 6AM is quite different.

also me most of the time now.

hows everyone else doing :smiley: ?

Have been on the phone most of the day calling pretty much all the legal practices in the area trying to trace a lead on something, it hasnā€™t been great :frowning:

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Greatā€¦I come home after 8 fucking hours in a hot room doing jack shit, take a shower and then get told the washing machine doesnā€™t pump. Now Iā€™m drenched in sweat again and the we need a new washing machine -_-
And all my grandma is concerned with is the dust under the washing machine instead of looking up new ones in her budgetā€¦

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So time to move away from google

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lol so Chrome is now categorising your search results and recommending stuff based on those previous searches? canā€™t say Iā€™d be too happy about that.

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yep. It knows im into computer hardware now XD

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lol and Intel no less, you need to start throwing it curve-balls to confuse it. just start searching cats until it recommends cat themed pc builds XD

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i was annoyed that previous owners of Warhammer Space Hulk didnā€™t get the Enhanced Edition when it came out
then suddenly when i checked steam they gave all the owners of the original gameā€¦ the enhanced edition a month ago
i might see if it actually runs well now lol


Earthlock did that too on GoG.


officially hung up the jersey now. seeing as how Iā€™m now out of the stream team and all that itā€™s only fitting.

though, i do still keep an ear out for things, like the threadrippah launch, and so forth.


Woot! Boomsday project finally dropped for Hearthstone, crafted this guy:

The guy has 18 different decks too so itā€™s literally the only card you need (unless youā€™re trying to go legendā€¦ this guy can get you to rank 5 pretty well but thereā€™s only a couple decks that can make legend and itā€™s random which one you get).

Now I can finally play standard, and get rid of those 2 hero quests that I canā€™t cycle out which is severely holding back my gold earning.


Practice PROG 7 has been posted today. Woot.


Batwoman casting news:

ā€¦This could work. She played an interesting character in John Wick 2. Iā€™ll withhold Judgement till I see her in the role. Also the Batwoman series hasnā€™t been greenlight yet.


you dont either

welpā€¦ fuck carball.

guess Iā€™ll have Hearthstone be my competitive game from now on.

Whats up with rocket league? something change to make it bad?

Not really, Iā€™m just sick of this awful matchmaking. When one of the top pros is stuck at Champion 3 you know thereā€™s a problem, and it seems theyā€™re not going to be fixing it.