The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

absolutely not but the final fight felt very anti climatic. the endgame fight was very much closer to the final climax i was expecting


I really need to sit down and have a self contained privately hosted wiki.

I found
Looks nice and minimal. Which for planning out a book is what I need.

Now I just got to set up a sever for it somewhere…

I admit no clue on how to do this at the moment. Also late. Need to sleep. No time to dive into this at the moment.

Spoiler Warning

^ Sums up all thats wrong with this season

Well, turns out ProJared ain’t the nice, wholesome guy people always thought he was. Cheated on his wife with another cosplayer/member of his D&D group and solicited nudes from his fans (while sending his own nudes). One of them was allegedly 16 at that time and rumor has it he knew.

Well he is Pro-Jared after all…

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I actually got McDonald’s breakfast for once :yum:


I’ve had to add a website I go to to websites to avoid to avoid spoilers for Endgame. Look it is out but, it’s going be months before I rent it.

My Mass Effect 3 is going pretty well so far. I’m doing a couple things in the Citadel. Playing as an Adept is OP with melee. Press F to Destroy. Also has a small area affect cause it’s a biotic attack.

Writing - I’m in the planning phases for rewrite. Also awaiting feedback from a few other people. One big difference is length of time it takes is going to be more natural.

GOT - No I haven’t seen tonight’s episode but on Saturday I did watch the Episode from last Sunday. Honestly… Trash… Like legit Trash. There were serious plot holes in the episode and suddenly out of nowhere moments. Yeah this show being moved to Saturday to watch for me was the right idea cause it is not worth watch during the week. Just to be watch while I do a choir because it is practically background noise at this point.

Season 4 of Lucifer So far - I only watched a couple of the Netflix episodes. Look I read the comics and loved the comics. I also liked the show. The two are different. Anyway, I liked how the season started. It has been enjoyable so far and Netflix kept the tone but the production seems better.

RAGE 2 comes out this week. I’m curious as to what Reviewers I trust will think of it.


S8E4 or S8E3?

Remember how I ranted about wanting a new phone but not gonna buying any cause mine still works…yeah, just had a random reboot and just an hour chatting with my mom used 36% battery. ffs…and even after the reboot it’s slow af.

This one. Three was kinda meh. There are issues of course still with three like lighting being a big one.

ye. They are trying to make a plotline that should be 1-3 seasons long last only 2 episodes and its leaving a bad taste in my mouth

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Did you like the Last of Us? Have you felt like most shooters have no soul or story and are just made to print money? Have I got a game for you.

Spec Ops The Line is now on gog and it is 80% off:

Non-spoiler review:

This game has one of the best stories for a shooter. It’s dark and gets darker. I recommend people play this one but there are some cavets you need to know:

  • You play with two AI friends and you got to keep them alive. They have unlimited ammo. You don’t.
  • You loose your weapons at points and the ammo for them. So brace for that.
  • The enemy ai is ruthless.
    Play it on the easiest difficulty… I say this even as probably one of the few people who had the patience to beat it on Suicide Mission difficult and I’m planning on a FUBAR difficulty someday with a black and white ReShade I made for Spec Ops The Line.

The game is flawed but I think the story is worth it. Overall the game is okay but the story is great.


I liked Spec Ops The Line, it forces you to take tough choices that direct the story that may never pan out as expected and I respect the game for that. There’s never truly a correct answer because there mostly all bad.


4 days till I see John Wick 3.
I haven’t even seen the trailer for it. All I know is what I know from the past two films. So I’m going into the film mostly in the dark:

Spoiler if you haven't seen 2

He is on the run and has an hour before he is considered excommunicated from the order. However he does have a blood promise favor… that I believe was a message and will play a factor in the 3rd film.

I’m seeing the film on Friday after work in a Dolby Theater. After I see the film, I’ll let you know my none spoiler thoughts on it.

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Well my chair finally decided to die on me so I have to get a new one.

Been looking at DX Racer Valkyrie or something of similar size and quality. I’m fairly indifferent on looks. So if anyone has any suggestions for alternatives to this chair as it won’t be in stock for another 5 weeks or so that would be quite helpful.

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Depending on your budget you can look into good chairs, Steel Case and Herman Miller.

Cheapest herman miller starts at $510, not sure on steelcase though. I’m looking at under $400. DX is nice because of the size chart they have available.

Edit: May go used aeron. Yeah it’s like $500, but that’s still only half the cost of a new one. :thinking:

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I’m not a fan of racing chairs. The shape of them alone seems stupid for sitting at a desk.
And that pandering towards gamers is equally stupid. Just like all the other racing, guns, etc themed shit (Sniper RAM, Racing mobo, etc). Just fucking stupid.

If I had the money I’d definitely get a better chair but for now my 90€ office chair needs to suffice.

If you’re near a big city there will probably be an office surplus store. You might be able to find a really nice lightly used chair.

Just looked and there’s more than a dozen places near me. One has over 100 Herman miller chairs for $300-$400 like new. Also steel case and some leather high backs from law offices probably.

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