The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

It was @Novasty I swear

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Why can L1T be that way dammit

Someone ban this guy for heresy.

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Fuck if i know. It was as simple as checking a few boxes in the settings lol

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Dont give in to the asian persuasion!

Best your gonna get.

Because some people actually put their real names in that box and no one wants to discover that is how you set a custom title, also TTP

We also have a NSFW and Politics Secton of the forum

Tactics,Techniques, and Procedures

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Your gonna need to explain that one to me

Time to penis, how long it will take for someone to draw a penis one way or another in a tool used for customization


If i leave id give it about a day or two XD

@r00tz31820 plans to stay or just poking ye head in?

Poking might stay. Im trying to diversify my forum basis. So im not as bored when I need something and one place is being well for lack of a better word ordered and lawful


We are a place for orderly choatic discussions so i think youll like it =P

I rule with a iron first but the fist is fair

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Im very libertarian and oppose such soviet tactics /s

Ill stay… Should be nice :slight_smile:


Your L1T Profile doesn’t link here anymore, you need to update your shilling to be more ordered with chaotic discussions :stuck_out_tongue:


hey look new people
buut im on mid shift so now its bedtime, lol…
wooo for 8am-4pm being when i sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

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Day 3 of shipping-damaged CD cases.
Back up to 50% (3 out of 6).

On day 2 it was down to 25% (2 out of 8) and on day 1 it was 55% (5 out of 11).
From now on I’m taking pictures and email them to Amazon. Better to have proof.

But now I’m up to 140 episodes + 8 special episodes.

Update: the replacements haven’t been an issue so far. but just a while ago I discovered that I now have 2x replacement orders in my order list. and a 2nd set of return shipping labels for the damaged CDs I already took to the post office earlier today. why? cause people don’t check if a case has already been dealt with.
unnecessary complications…
reminds me of last year when Amazon wanted me to ship something back I never received…good times.


Mine is 43 inches. I didn’t want and don’t want any one bigger than that. I do wish they had a 32’ HDR 4k… you don’t have to worry about scaling on TVs afterall.