The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

ye i misread that and thought you were still talking about third party, if its a licensed model I couldn’'t see why they wouldn’t let them use their own design/layout.

Depending on US law, it might be more regardless of what Nintendo says.

Warranties are not required in any respect by US law, but if you have one you must honor it for as long as it’s valid

Must suck. Electronics usually have at least 1 year warranty here.


You have no idea. My brother had to pay $125 to get his switch fixed because it died shortly after the one year warranty expired.


Got any details?

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Its called all electronics fail just after the warrenty XD

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It killed itself because of the power bug that was one hundred percent Nintendo’s fault. Also he wasn’t using a 3rd party dock.

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When our first PS3 Yellow lighted just out of warrenty Sony want £120 to fix it, we later covered it in towels and used a heater at the back vent to solder the chip back on and later fixed it with a heatgun for much cheaper.

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mainboard was dead, I can’t fix a dead tegra chip


Neither could Nvidia with how easy to crack it is :rofl:


Huh. Neat. I like the board game… Should be interesting to see how an online version is. Yes there are the old school axis & allies games but they are only sort of related to the actual board game.

This looks so fucking dope but I can’t see it because not in any theaters near me and it’s a one day only event :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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road trip time with @Cavemanthe0ne? XD

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Its not not YouTube too at least for me :frowning:

But… Gundam is anime and also mechs… Possibly the two least interesting things to me ever lol.
Also I’m 3+ hours away so meh for just watching a movie

Well it is showing in the twin cities but I have class the at 9am and if I went I wouldn’t make it to two classes. Plus I’m already missing a day of class because I’m seeing a concert tomorrow

posted by @Dje4321 4 hours ago


ye i would but the connection to my US VPN died and too lazy to fix it again XD

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That seems to be the real problem