The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]


Well, then itā€™s enabled.
Does anything important stop working if I set it to false?

nope it just allows Mozilla to push stuff to Firefox without issuing a software update.

Although the add-ons started working after an update.

:woman_shrugging: this was the release notes for the partial fix, maybe they did push it with a new release? (this was three days ago)

Update: We have rolled out a partial fix for this issue. We generated a new intermediate certificate with the same name/key but an updated validity window and pushed it out to users via Normandy (this should be most users). Users who have Normandy on should see their add-ons start working over the next few hours. We are continuing to work on packaging up the new certificate for users who have Normandy disabled.


what version is affected? Im on 66.0.2 and can install addons just fine :woman_shrugging:

the affected version was 66.0, this is the bug tracker for it.

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somehow im not affected lol

I think the fix is meant to come in 66.0.4/5 so you could just have normandy enabled and mozzila just pushed the patch that way. Its fixed for me too on 66.0.2.


Iā€™m really enjoying reading the Fables comics again. And brown noise helps me concentrating more than I expected. Havenā€™t felt that way of cutting out distractions and being absorbed in something for quite a while.
Feels nice.


Well that was fun. just had a phone call from ā€œMicrosoftā€ because my computer is infected by hackers, kept going on about viruses and such, asked them to correct me that they were Microsoft several times until they replied. Said my computer runs Linux, they asked if my computer runs Windows, I said no, Linux. "weā€™ll pass you through to the mac department, NO it runs Linux. ā€œoh, our Linux Engineerā€. At this point they whole story tell apart said Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d know if I was hacked and hanged up.

What I find interesting though is that Microsoft has a Mac and Linux department and that somehow have a backdoor in Fedora to be able to tell that my computer is infected by hackers. XD


Should have purchased the anti hacking package when you bought Linux.

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Thereā€™s a thread on L1T with a video of a scammer place.
Glad there are people like Jim Browning and Kitboga who fuck with scammers.

Barnacules also got a call once from someone who claimed to be working at Microsoft - while Barnacules was actually still working at Microsoft.

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Humble Bundle is selling books on how to write booksā€¦ so should you get them?

Iā€™m not. I have no idea if those books are good or not. If your going to get a book on writing may I recommend you get a textbook that I know teaches you everything you need to know and has exercises you can do.

Writing Fiction : A Guide to Narrative Craft by Janet Burroway. Youā€™ll want the 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th edition. Later editions cost more.

This is the book that is being used in my course. It is helping me immensely.


Finished end game. Final fight was really epic. Was very close to what i was expecting from the night walker fight from GoT


You expected Marvel characters in GoT?

absolutely not but the final fight felt very anti climatic. the endgame fight was very much closer to the final climax i was expecting


I really need to sit down and have a self contained privately hosted wiki.

I found
Looks nice and minimal. Which for planning out a book is what I need.

Now I just got to set up a sever for it somewhereā€¦

I admit no clue on how to do this at the moment. Also late. Need to sleep. No time to dive into this at the moment.

Spoiler Warning

^ Sums up all thats wrong with this season

Well, turns out ProJared ainā€™t the nice, wholesome guy people always thought he was. Cheated on his wife with another cosplayer/member of his D&D group and solicited nudes from his fans (while sending his own nudes). One of them was allegedly 16 at that time and rumor has it he knew.