oh like that DRM stuff HP is using on them so you can bypass it?
yep. Got the 230W version. Might as well study it
yep i take whatever you learn here to transfer to the laptop too and you’d be able to use whatever charger you want?
still got a spare one you can actually use?
eventually maybe
just gonna resolder the cable back together with the ID wire sticking out
hopefully, would be cool though being able to just throw whatever charger on the dock and still have one on the go or vice versa.
Is there any sane justification for a charger to only work with something that has an ID chip?
there certified for use with the device and are guaranteed not to cause damage when used. will also possibly protect from people not knowing what the fuck there doing trying a random charger with much higher voltage than the device accepts but other than that not really.
So, no. No sane justification. That sounds just like forced overprotective parenting for the sake of selling you their stuff.
Nope. Would be ok if without the ID chip thing it would just default to 95W
I guess messing with the part on the laptop would be too risky, right?
and way too much hassle
laptop arrived today, is quite nice.
also lul at how many emails ive missed.
if its anything like mine about 2% of those are vaguely important and not just marketing lol
mostly yeah. probably some importantish emails in there somewhere but meh, requires a lot of effort to sort them all.
also the person who sold me this laptop accidentally gave me a 2tb hdd nice.
aaand the installs begin again, lol. at least theres 50mbit down here.
not bad.
beats the score I did back in 2015 with my i5 and 970 lol
Brief writing update:
I’ve written the outline for this first arc of the rewrite of the story. I have the arcs, I’m working on writing the outline for each. I’m going to start the rewriting of the story very soon. I have a few elements I need to figure out first that go with the outline.