The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

its pretty fun to hold lol


ye kinda like it has a nice weight and texture to it?


zero weight and a surpringly grippy texture though my hands are covered in maching oil lol


Anything can have a use with enough imagination :wink:


no wonder why my rig did so bad before lolā€¦

new psu and nearly 1k higher GPU score, lol. about the same CPU though, now to test games and things.


GOG Galaxy 2.0 is pretty neat:

Can I post this?: Yes. It doesnā€™t break any NDA.

There isnā€™t support for Bethesdaā€™s launcher yet but that is probably coming.

Impressions: It is a beta product but overall very impressive beta. I like it.


GOG Galaxy 2.0 does looks pretty neat. Iā€™m really looking forward to it because it will finally have Linux support too after all this time.


I just placed my first order on Rightstuf cause the last volume of a manga seems to be out of stock almost everywhere and Amazon Germany notified me that itā€™s unlikely theyā€™ll get it back in stock and thus cancelled my (pre-)order.
If this works out (meaning no shipping damage and customs not stepping in) then Iā€™ll use that to buy my manga from now on. But only after some research to see if the shipping fee is based on weight/amount ordered or a flatrate. Cause ~$14 shipping fee for a $12 book is too much. Itā€™s okay this time for trying it out.


They are the best place to buy DVDs and Blurays of Anime. I legit wish Amazon packaged DVDs & Blurays like Rightstuf does. Granted donā€™t know how things are priced for you.


About the same when I take taxes into account. Barakamon volumes are ~11-15ā‚¬ here on Amazon and I paid $11.24 (I think the conversion was 10,10ā‚¬).
Thatā€™s also something Iā€™ll see when it gets shipped cause Rightstuf doesnā€™t add taxes. Will be interesting to see what customs does with that. Itā€™s 7% on books here, so not a big deal.


So I played a little bit of Wolfenstein Youngblood [I got it free from my video card purchase.

Now I set it to just be me causeā€¦ I donā€™t want to play with someone else.

This is a different type of Wolfenstien than the other two. There is a rumor this is to hold us over till the Third Wolfenstien comes out which will be the end of the modern trilogy. Anywayā€¦
This is a co op game but it has a really good story. Shooting is solid. I can tell Arkane designed the levels from the real option to play it stealthy if you want to. Iā€™m playing with an AI helping me and you know what the AI is the best AI teammate. There is a level system, in game currency [you canā€™t buy it with real money but Iā€™m kinda worried that could be patched in], good variety of weapons. The soundtrack is a synth 80ā€™s German vibe. Iā€™m liking the game so far.


I fear this with any game that has any limit these days. No longer are the days of single price games. Now simply buying the game isnt enough :frowning:


Nice. ~20% faster at what should be equivalent power draw.


tuned the 5700xt, +20% power limit, 2000mhz and 1230mv core (usually sits at 1990-2010mhz in benches/games, with the boost function) and it got a little bit better with GPU score. up to 26,614 from 26,275. temps stayed the same, i probablycan push it a bit farther with table mods but this seems decent for now:

idk why my 2700x is so variable when it comes to 3dmark, lol. probably just the boost states being what they are. hence the lower scores yet higher gpu scores.

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also, warthunder at 4k :smiley:

So during my talk with IT in FL on why I should have ADMIN privileges when IT needs assistance, I got asked if I thought about going into IT. I confessed IT was a passion but I hadnā€™t looked into it. They offered to help with getting A + Certified and All the CISCO Certificationā€¦ I didnā€™t say yes but it sounds like IT in FL see potential in me and is offering to pay. Iā€™m going to talk with the lawyer who owns my Firm on Monday and see if I can do that. If it is, Iā€™m going to run with it because if I gets those CERTs and Iā€™ll have the experience with the IT work Iā€™m doing I could be on a much better career path. Iā€™ll let you guys know how it pans out.

TLDR: Suddenly becoming real system adminā€¦ I did not see this coming.


Damn, good for you!


If you enjoy the work and gets you on a better career path sounds like a win all round and getting those certs should be a huge help in the future too. a lot of places especially around here donā€™t even look at people without CISCO certification.


I certainly donā€™t need to tell you this - as you work in a law firm you will know more about this than I do - but make sure to check the conditions (like paying back if you leave the company within x years).

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Yeahā€¦ I kinda have gotten in the habit of reading the fine print of things. So if it has a condition like that Iā€™d just plan to stay with the IT for firm for that time and then start looking once that period was over.