The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

That’s not really true… decentralized always outlived centralized . It does to this day… your example to look at

The dark web… decentralized was the first way things ever happened… so long as a compute literate person exists … so will they

But yeah nothing lasts forever and everything that has a beginning has an end


Mainstream media: The place where only criminals go to do their illegal activities.


New vs old carb accelerator pump:

Now that the new ones on, it’s sooooooo much easier to start the car and it can easily accelerate to 65-75mph and cruise there easily. No more weird sputtering out or anything. Because the old one was so bad it couldn’t even seal, let alone pump gas and the new one is brand new rubber and pumps efficiently. Nice.


Hmmm seems like you got some bad fuel… what truck and what gas do you usually run?


At a restaurant on the quayside for my mothers birthday and the view ain’t bad


Thing was the original one from the 1970s carburetor lol

Yeah so was it post lead? MTBE is a bitch… Ethanol is easier on seals than MTBE…

Still was lead. I have lead additive in the gas now to help the old parts run better. Makes a big difference

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Could just use marvel mystery oil and forget the lead… dumb a bunch in… lubricates better than lead

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And probably better for the earth too

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That’s not how that works but ok lol
Zinc additive is required for the oil; lead for the gas. Each are for different things.

It’s now just lead substitute additive because safety reasons.

Zinc is fine… its the lead m8… gonna be honest there are ways to make the car run fine without the lead and its well documented… dont risk your health handling that stuff

MMO is a gas additive man

See above post

Ahh we replied at the same time… Well if its a lead substitute without any actual lead… just look up the cas numbers of the ingredients… find something with similar but cheaper… its basic chemistry… I hope you dont pay out the ass like they do at some auto parts stores here for that stuff haha … its a great looking car…

It’s like $4-8 of additive for each 20 gallons of gas so basically just add $4-8 to whatever gas costs per fill up lol. Not bad. And the zinc is only $10 and it’s whenever you change the oil which for this car is 3000 miles… Ish.

If I have enough money later on, I’ll rebuild the engine so it can take normal gas and synthetic oil that already has the zinc in it but for now this will do more than fine.


ahhh thats not bad then … yeah lots of places way over charge … like 20 bucks range for stuff… just didnt make much sense

Marvel mystery oil for the gas was 14 bucks a gallon and it did the job fine vs not having lead… lightweight high film strength synthetic oil distillates is basically what is amongst other things… lubricates even at high temps which is nice

DONT put it in a modern car thats fuel injected LOL


So strange feeling but ive been happier today like not visiting much of what I normally visit… maybe I should examine this further

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It really is an awesome drone can confirm since I work up close and personal on occasion