The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Why call. Go there in person and demand it lol. It is your record after all

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thats a lot of work to get your brain todo something it should know already. without my glasses when I try to focus I get really bad splitting headaches and honestly with that if it were me I’d probably just use glasses.

ye next time I’m in town I might just do that and see if I can get them straight away, last time they said they’ll send me them in the post but i never got them lol


Standard Shipping Estimated Delivery: 21-28 days

Overseas shipping too. Their warranty doesn’t look too good either. Not really a good option for me but I appreciate the info. My optician is fairly close and they either have spare parts/same model at the store or get it the next day. New glasses (with lenses) I can get the next day or day after.

Don’t worry. If nobody posts then people usually have stuff to do.

Damn, I didn’t know this is a thing.

Oh, and regarding this:

No need for that. Since health insurance (not a private one) doesn’t pay for glasses anymore (only in extreme cases where you’re basically blind and where the lenses cost a ton) I have to pay for them myself and if it’s just eye sight then the optician can measure that too. But since I’ve had my last check up over 9 years ago it’s advised to do that at an oculist in case there’s more to it than just worse eye sight.

Might still get my eye sight checked at the optician too since I haven’t been to that oculist before and don’t know much accurate they are and/or if my eye sight can vary depending on the time of the day Also, at the optician I can take the glasses outside the store to get a better feeling in a real environment and not just some letters on a wall.


ur letters on a wol

ur a brick in da wol

just a heads up lounge. Forum will be offline tomorrow night to migrate to separate web and data containers. This will let us minimize downtime to the highest extent currently possible. We are also currently planning on implementing failover so even in the event of fire, we can still be online.


No pizzas, @Michael!!!





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ur a bricc

Just don’t let it escape the oven, it’ll be fine

massive phrasing, lol

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tuned a few more cars in Forza… actually, more than a few but heres a couple screencaps anyway of some of what i did today lol

been otherwise pretty much just gaming today, how about you all?


enjoying the comedown off of 2 hits of LSD


No wonder why it’s been slow here lol


Not as slow as it was for Dje just then lol


Had maybe a half hour of free time from 9-7 today… pulled in just under 1k though so worth it


finished finally lel

had to order 2 piece earcups and what not :X


Haven’t had anything to eat in close to 24 hours so made myself some cheesy chips :yum:


ah yes spud diccs